"he'd be about this age. master of all elements."

no response.

zuko let go of the woman and she ran into her granddaughters arms.

zuko then flung his arm as fire came out from his fist toward the villagers. they all gasped in fear, "i know you're hiding him!"

shouting was heard from behind them and the watertribe boy senna was suddenly so interested in ran at zuko again.

zuko ducked and the boy went flying, landing on the ground with a thump.

zuko fired fire balls at him and the boy rolled out of the way, throwing his boomerang.

senna watched as it disappeared into the distance and zuko did too. he glanced back at the boy.

"show no fear!" a smaller boy shouted, throwing a spear at the older boy and he caught it.

he ran toward zuko once again, aiming the spear right at his face but zuko instantly broke it, he snatched it from him and poked the boy in the head with it.

the boy fell and zuko snapped all that was left of the spear in half.

there was a shimmer in the sky and the boomerang came flying back and hit zuko right in the head. he groaned in anger.

senna could tell zuko was now furious and had enough of this boys playfulness.

so she decided it was finally her turn to step up and do something. using the snow as her advantage, she formed an ice dagger and pushed past zuko.

she pointed it at the boy who was still on the ground and he looked back at her.

she has blue eyes? he thought. only watertribe members have blue eyes.....

"look we just want to know where the avatar is and then we'll be on our marry way, leaving all of you unharmed."

sokka couldn't take his eyes off this girl. she was beautiful. he slowly stood up and the girl kept the dagger pointed at him.

before the girl could speak, a boy came flying down on a penguin, right toward zuko. he rode under him which caused zuko to fly into the air and land on his face.

the children cheered as the boy slowed down. the penguin stood up making the boy fall off of him. they exchanged looks and then the penguin waddled away.

"hey, katara. hey, sokka."

sokka, that's what his name was.

"hi, aang. thanks for coming." the watertribe boy, well sokka, said sarcastically.

senna took in the boys features as him, zuko and the soldiers began to fight. with the help of his staff, he managed to knock the soldiers over with a gust of snow.

he then aimed for zuko, slamming his wooden staff on the ground. zuko held his stance as the snow hit him, not moving an inch.

"looking for me?" asked the boy.

"you're the airbender? you're the avatar?"

stolen away, zukoWhere stories live. Discover now