Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!

Start from the beginning

But Luke grabs my hips and yanks me closer as Gabe holds me down and Luke continues to cum inside me. I feel sweat dripping down my face as the orgasm seems to go on forever. I continue to thrash until Gabe leans down and slides his tongue in my mouth, trying to distract me as I feel the sharp pleasure/pain ease then something seems to give and Luke stops cumming and slowly pulls out of me. I wince, sore but happy as Gabe and Luke sit back. I raise my hand and brush my hair from my face as I speak.

"What the hell was that?" When Luke speaks I know Lu is still at the front, taking charge.

"I believe that was a barb that holds you in place while we mate." I blink at him then snort.

"Well next time warn me before you do that. I almost died from an orgasm." Luke blinks at me and speaks as I go to roll off the bed to go to the bathroom.

"I wasn't aware until now that I even had a barb so I'm going to assume it only happens when I am completely in control." He's distracted from his mulling when instead of landing on my feet as I roll off the bed, I land on my ass. It seems my legs will no longer hold me up. I giggle and looking at Luke I smile and hold out my arms.

"Carry me to the shower." I pout sweetly as he laughs and lifts me into his arms. 


After putting on one of Luke's shirts and a pair of Gabe's boxers I sit on the bed waiting for them to some back with some food. I run a hand over Luke's shirt and suddenly I'm somewhere else.


I raise my eyes to see a man that looks like an older version of Luke staring down at me and I know I'm seeing Luke's past. He smiles and sits down across from me. I know instinctively Luke is 18. Luke's dad speaks as he slides a paper across the desk to me. Across the top it says WILL. I flinch and raise my eyes to meet his.

"I'm leaving everything to you Lucas, not your mom. I want to know you'll take after your sisters if anything happens. We both know that your mother isn't all that maternal and I want the girls protected." I speak shaking my head.

"Dad...." He raises a hand stopping me.

"I know I've just had this bad feeling these past couple of days and I want to make sure..." I cut him off and stand to walk around the desk to him as he stands as well. We hug each other and I step back as mom walks in. Sighing I turn and leave the room. That night I go with dad to patrol our property in leopard form. We've almost made a full circle when something slammed into me. I shook myself, disoriented to see a wolf and a leopard tearing into Luke's dad. I snarl and go to help him as blood splatters the grass but something leaps onto my back. I snarl as teeth dig into my back and I quickly roll, shaking him off. I whirl to see a wolf as big as me crouching down to attack. I leap at him and we are a whirl of teeth and claws soon enough I sink my teeth into his neck and jerk, breaking it. But when I turn to go help Luke's dad they are gone and Luke's dad is down. I leap forward, my nose thick with the smell of blood, too much blood. My eyes widen in horror at the dark thick blood that coats his fur. I whine softly, closing my eyes. Luke's dad is dead. 



"RIKI!" I blink as arms shake me and I open my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks. Sobbing I throw my arms around Luke, curling into him. He shushes me rubbing my back as Gabe sets the food down on the bedside table.

"Your dad....he....they....I'm sorry Lucas." His hand stills and he places a hand under my chin, lifting my face so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"You saw that?" I bite my lip nodding as he sighs and pulls me back to him, kissing the top of my head as his arms wrap back around me.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, that you had to see it." I pushed my love through the bond and he chuckles at my pushiness as I speak again. "But I still want to know how you both knew about my pregnancy plan." Luke pulls back so I can look him in the eyes.

"Who do you think planted it in your head to begin with?" Gabe clears his throat as I swing my narrowed eyes to him.

"It was the easiest way to send you towards him and not further away." My eyes narrow to slits as I think back to the book I'd read that had given me the idea to get pregnant. Gabe had given me that book. I'd been freaking out that they would hate me and it had been their idea all along. I jerk upright away from Luke and leap at Gabe.

"You are so dead." He laughs as I land on his chest and smack him with the pillow that is on the floor behind him.

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