七 : an ethereal cottage

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"it's raining

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"it's raining." sunghoon said, raising his hand above your head. you shivered at the cold drop of rain. "be careful," he wrapped his arm around your body. "i don't want you to trip and fall." there appeared a light tint on your cheeks, you were shy. though there were still many footsteps to walk, the both of you did not mind the light rain which had fallen in fine drops.

it was rather refreshing, until it started to worsen. the slight drizzle had evolved into a thunderstorm, causing your heart to race. "i'm scared." you whispered, leaning your head on sunghoon's chest as your vision started to grow blurrier. you felt as if you'd faint soon. it was as if the rain had seeped through your head.

"relax, darling. i'm here for you." sunghoon said, though he couldn't deny that he was starting to get dizzy too. you flinched at every sudden thunder sent from the grey coloured sky. "sunghoon, i.." you let out an unfinished sentence as your hand clenched on his collar.

you attempted to hold onto him the same way you attempted to hold onto your breath, which was slowly slipping away. "home is too far away.." you managed to whisper in between rushed breaths. "is it okay if i take you to my cottage?" he asked, still walking small steps. your lips wouldn't part, so you answered through a nod.

a smile crept up his face, maybe that small cottage would not seem as small that night. your eyelids fell, the raindrops that had slipped in your eyes had burned. sunghoon's actions had led you through the storm and towards his home. but somehow, that night felt familiar. not everything can happen twice a night, or can they? it was odd, yet not something you could just shrug off.

your mind went on a journey to think and think, unfortunately, a soft tap on your shoulder had ended it. "we're here." sunghoon said, causing you to look around yourself. the beautiful pathway you had stood in was a bit more than welcoming. "i never knew that cottages could be this home-like." you said, most definitely not aware of what had just slipped off your tongue.

sunghoon chuckled, you looked almost amused by just admiring some plants (and rocks, of course). "if you would like, i'll leave you to admire the sight while i pour us some tea." sunghoon said, his figure disappearing into the small home as you continued to drool over a pathway decorated with flowers.

the silky texture of his roses were bewitching, though the thorns had acted as flaws. "hyacinths." something lit up a spark in your mind. "aren't there hyacinths here?" you searched for the fragrant flowering plant as the ends of your gown danced in the puddles of water.

the harsh thunderstorm was replaced with a slight drizzle, which had perfected your small search. "are looking for something?" you flinched at the question, luckily, you didn't fall or embarrass yourself by letting out any so called "defence words". sunghoon just stood there, looking so effortlessly ethereal while you were still struggling to function in that heavy gown heeseung had picked out.

speaking of that idiot, where is he?

you glanced at the tray sunghoon had held, there was still smoke escaping from the teacups. "it's hot," sunghoon said, watching as you picked up one of the teacups. "don't burn yourself." you tried to hold back the pinkish colour on your face, but failed. on the other hand, sunghoon seemed to have liked it. no, actually, he loved it. he loved the way you looked when you were shy.

he stared at you endearingly, and though your eyes focused elsewhere, your heart smiled. ah, what exactly is that feeling? you could not think of anything else. it seemed as if numerous images of sunghoon had clouded your mind, but wasn't that your first encounter with him?

there went the zephyr-like feeling. he seemed so familiar, yet your head still fought to convince you that he was just a stranger you had met on a spring night. for once, you just wanted to fight that overthinking mind of yours. no, fighting was not enough to erode it. you held much malice towards it, but a mind cannot experience such excruciating pain you had imagined.

after all, where will your thoughts wander off to? with no chamber to stay in, whether delusional or realistic, all your thoughts would fade. "do you want more tea?" sunghoon's question had snapped you out of your thoughts once again, causing your grip on an answer to loosen.

a faint smile appeared on your face as you nodded, gosh, why do i keep thinking so much? he smiled, leaving both light and graceful footsteps as he disappeared into the cottage swiftly. everything he did and said had left you in awe. you felt somewhat like a fool to allow your heart to flutter so ridiculously long, but there was nothing you could do to avoid it.

that feeling was like an unstoppable tide. it rises yet always manages to fall flawlessly, though the effect goes on forever. that feeling that basically crippled your heart's ability to beat normally. not that you liked it but, it was somewhat nice. you pressed your hand against your forehead, "have i grown ill?" you wondered. "this is not normal."

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