chapter 20

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Jack's POV 

I never meant to hurt her. I never meant for any of this to happen. Feelings that I have had for her for years that I tried to suppress but couldn't anymore. She was my best friend but for a while now I thought of her as more than that. The way we would spend our days together, the way she would cheer for me from the bleachers at my games and she would try her hardest to get to all of them, no matter the distance. Her constant reminders that I would do great things and go so far in life. The way she would help my mom out with dinner or bring Luke places when no one else could. She became a sister to Luke and a daughter to my parents. Her smile could always light up a room. Her voice could calm me when I was stressed or angry. We would always be with each other and that's why I think I caught feelings. Being with her constantly made me see every single aspect of her and her life, her true self. I saw her grow up, from getting braces off to seeing her body grow in all the ways. Sometimes when she would sleep over, I would stay up a bit to watch her, her soft snores, and the way she would press her body into mine. I knew everything about her. Her favorite color was black because it went with every outfit. Her favorite food was Mac and cheese and she loved raspberry lemonade. Her favorite animal was a hummingbird and her dream pet was a calico cat, she wanted to name it Juniper but call it Junie. She wanted to travel when she was older, wanting to go to Switzerland, Australia, and many more. She loved to play hockey and run. She loved English and History class but couldn't stand Math because it never made sense to her. 

I fucked up horribly. Quinn heard everything that was being said and was not talking to me, he wouldn't even look at me. Luke was upset because all of us were and he didn't know how to handle it or what side he was on. Trevor and Alex gave me space, Cole was with Wes. I heard the door fling open and hit against the wall, there stood a very upset Luke. 

"What the hell were you thinking Jack!" He yelled at me, his face beat red and by the look of it his cuticles were chewed off, it was his weird habit when he was anxious. 

"I don't know, I wish she had never come here. If she would have stayed home, I wouldn't have found out that she and Quinn were together, I wouldn't have punched Quinn and got jealous of them, I wouldn't have expressed my feelings and she would have never gotten upset and walked away. I didn't mean for this to happen like this Luke." I said. I felt horrible for what had just occurred. Luke and I had a deep conversation for about an hour until Cole walked into the room with tear-stained cheeks and some dried blood droplets on his white shirt. "What happened to you?" I asked. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, 

"It was all a lie." 

Hello!!! short chapter I know but another is in the works already so expect another update in the next two days! 



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Information about domestic abuse hotlines:

Call: 1-800-799-safe (7233)

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