"Yes, eomma," he replied as he climbed down the chair. "Eomma, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, love?" she asked as she held his cute hands.

"Can you teach me how to read some words in the story?"

"Oh, of course," she replied, then greeted everyone as they went out. Her staff likewise said goodbye to Pooh as they headed out and the little boy showed his courtesy by giving a bow and waved goodbye to them.

As they stopped by the entrance of their destination, his eyes widened and his smile was painted all over his cute face, with dimples as evidence that he really felt happy. They were outside the Seoul Children's Grand Park and in his excitement, he clapped his hands in sheer joy.

"Eomma, there are animals here, right?" he asked as Yejin unstrapped him from his car seat.

"Yes, and a lot more. There are rides too," she replied as he put him down and adjusted his mask. Fortunately, she was able to reserve a booking for the two of them, as she wanted to make up for the times that she missed this little boy. She left Yohanna with Bin, as she knew that she was too young to enjoy these kinds of places.

Hand in hand, the mother and son duo went through the gates where Yejin just casually flashed their daytrip tickets. When they entered, Pooh was truly amazed at how massive the area was in his eyes, and in a second, he was pulling his eomma to see the elephant which was just around the corner. Yejin had already planned what they would do, but she figured that they could use some time to explore the area by themselves.

After all, it was what her first-born wanted.

Two weeks later, they found themselves in the middle of a situation involving the school where Pooh was studying.

As she was talking to Mrs. Hyun about their plan on a new business venture, Bin was taking a phone call and if she were to judge upon the look on his face, she would consider it of utmost importance. Her hunch was right when her husband mentioned the name of the caller.

"Chae Yoon ssi? Is there something wrong?" he said. She was Mr. Hyun's cousin and their friend.

"Yej, I think I need to go. Chae Yoon's on the phone with Bin," she said as she bade goodbye to the woman who was her namesake. At least in screen name. She then went beside Bin and the latter almost immediately took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

This is something wrong, she thought.

"We'll be there," Bin said as he hung up the phone. Heaving out a sigh, he turned to her and pursed his lips, thinking about how he would exactly tell her what was happening.

"Baby, we need to go to Yongsan. Something happened."

In a record breaking twenty-minute ride to the school, the parents found themselves in front of the gate where it was cordoned off from outsiders. Bin's mind went haywire and immediately, the Marine in him looked for ways on how to get inside the premises without going through the front gate. Yejin got down immediately, not waiting for him to open the door as what they always do. Bin took this time to open the compartment just under the steering wheel and took out his Beretta 92x Performance, while tucking it under the waistband of his jeans then got down from the car likewise.

Since the kidnapping of his only daughter a few months back, Bin applied for a gun owner's license and permit to carry it. Since the ownership of guns in their country is regulated, he needed to prove that he had all the reasons to carry it with him. In his mind, since that incident happened he could not let his guard down. With evidence and police report, it was deemed that he be issued a gun, only for him to use when necessary. He went to gun clubs to enhance his shooting skills, as he knew he could use it in his profession likewise. Of course, he hid this from his wife since he knew that she would never approve of such deed. But with what is happening now, he knows that what he did was just the right thing to do.

SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now