Chapter 13

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For some time Beibhinn lurked in her hidden cell, trying hard not to think back over all that had passed or to hear again her words. Grateful for the deep shadows that hid her in some measure. But at length she grew hungry. An ignoble realisation, but a real one nonetheless. 

And what of Ruadh? Perhaps he thought she had escaped? Perhaps he was even now strengthening himself on empty hopes...she would have to go to him and dispell them before they grew too great. She would not tell him all, but to speak of the afternoon even to small extent would be comfort.

Beibhinn rose and made her way back towards his chamber.

It was, she realised, far, far later than she had thought. Torches burned on the walls even in the upper reaches, and the few inlets she passed were night dark.

She pushed the door of Ruadhán's cell in, and stopped.

Where was he?

The furs remained in the corner, a tousled bed, vacated in haste, but he was not to be seen. Could he have - gone? Surely not? He would not be able...

"In search of company?" said An Beitheach behind her. She whipped around.

His face was not the one she had seen on the mountain that afternoon. It too, it seemed, had darkened witht he night shades. Darkened and grown hard.

"Where is Ruadhán gone?" asked Beibhinn, taking a step back without meaning to.

"Elsewhere." said An Beitheach, his voice with the more familiar hard edge.

"Where?" she demanded, her voice sharpening too.

"That is my business," said An Beitheach. He came fully into the chamber and shut the door slowly behind him "But if you wish for companionship, why not seek out your old friend Conn?"

Beibinn drew back her shoulders, trying to push aside the rising fear. She raised her chin. "Conn is my foster brother. I would have thought you knew that. What does that have to do with this?"

An Beitheach stepped closer again. He was so much taller than her. He could fling her across the room like a sliotar if he willed to. She stepped back agan.

"I was trying Vixen," he said softly, dangerously, "Trying so hard for your sake. Did I not deserve some gratitude? Some fidelity? But you went directly, talking with another young man. I knew. Do not think I do not know what happens in my mountain."

"I spoke with my brother." spat Beibhinn, clenching her fists "And if you would deny me speech with those I choose, then true as daylight, you do not love me."

An Beitheach sprang forward. Burning pain shot through her arm as he caught and twisted it. She screamed, and he twisted harder.

"Enough of your fancy morals Vixen," he snarled, "it's just a game girls play to thwart us. I have -" 

Beibhinn clamped her hand down on his arm and kicked him. Kicked him again and struck his elbow with all her force. He yelped. She turned, wrenching herself free. Then springing past him she hauled the door open.

"You are a liar!" she screamed, "A filthy, murderous liar!"

Then she ran.


Away thorugh the passages she fled, hands trembling, legs stumbling. Her  feet struck a rock and she sprawled on the ground, scrambling up and running on, warm blood trickling from her hands. 

He...he... she glaced back in terror that An Beitheach might be following, but the way was empty. 

Tears were pricking at her eyes now. She ran blindly through the passages with no direction to her flight. What did it mtter? She would never get out from here, nor would Ruadhán. Not until they died. Or in her case, until....

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