Chapter 12: The starting line

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"Jase!!! I need Jase," I yelled out. I got up and ran out the door. A bullet flew by me blowing a hole in the wall. "Whatha hell Selene," I said turning around. She got one finger up and pointed at her and David. I put my middle finger up in the air and walked up the stairs.
Jase's POV
I woke up. "Whatha F-" I started to say. "Hello?" I called out. I saw a dark area with glass. The glass lit up a little bit. "Miss me?" The man asked. It was Jake, he was holding my gun.
Alba's POV
I heard a machine gun firing. I grabbed the kid. We got under the army truck. Lycans fell around us. I saw black boots in front of us. The black boots ran away. They stopped, the boots ran straight for us. I looked behind us. The jeep that we were under was several feet from us. I looked up to see Selene. "Hi," I said to her. "Me and you have to talk, aboit the kids powers," I said to her.
Jase's POV
I still had a gun. I grabbed it and shot at the window. The door unlocked. I got up and ran out.
Victoria's POV
A jeep was coming right for us. We got our guns out about to shoot when something jumped out. "Victoria!!!" It was Jase.
Jake's POV
I got my sniper rifle out. I loaded it up and aimed it towards Jase. I fired ten times.
Victoria's POV
Blood splattered on me. Jase's head had three or four holes in it. He collapsed dead on impact. I stood there. Selene came up from behind me grabbing me and pushing me into the jeep. David drove us away. I was looking in thr back window at his lifeless body. A missile came and blew up his body. "NOOOO!!!!!" I yelled.


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