Chapter 2:The mission

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"Why do we," I asked him. He just continued packing our stuff up. "Answer me!!!!" I yelled at him."Jake has escaped and is in America," he finally answered. I wished he didn't. Alba was outside on her phone. I guess she was texting Jase I don't know. I walked over to my bag grabbed it and walked out of the room. I ran down the hallway. I took a right and went down the stairs. I checked us out and then ran out the doors of the hotel. Jase wasn't to far behind. I walked around to Alba. She grabbed my bag and put it in the trunk. I opened the door and got into the front seat. I closed the door and waited for Jase. He came out a few minutes later. He whispered to Alba. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Alba looked at me then she got in the car. Silence had fallen throughout the car. We were on the road heading to Eve's location. I saw something hop out in front of us. "Unus," I yelled. Alba turned the car to sharp. It sent us flying up into the air. Glass floated through the air as we hit the ground over and over. We stopped, I was still conscious. "Is everyone okay," Jase asked us. "Yes I'm okay," I answered him. Alba suddenly woke up. "Me too," she said. I turned to where my feet were aligned with the door. I kicked the door as hard as I could knocking it out onto the road. I got out of the car. I saw Unus walking towards us. I got back into the car. I got my gun and then I fired at him. "Ahhh," I screamed during the process. He lunged himself at me tackling me into the car. I grabbed his shoulders and flung Him into a nearby tree. I ripped a door off giving them a chance to get out. "Let's go," I said looking at them. They got out. We could see Jake walking behind us. "Ohh shit," I yelled seeing him walking over towards us. He was surrounded by Lycans. "This is gonna be a hard one," Jase said.

ObliterateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora