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What was upposed to be one of the few days of no cases, no crime, came an attack on the public by the young group of rebels who called themselves the people’s attack group. They were just considered a nuisance to the society but they had decided to start random killings on innocent people as an initiative to join the group.

The minds of these people are very difficult to specify or crack so they had to bring in Kurt Metzger, a buddy of Steve and Danny’s, he had wrote articles about the group a few times and now they might be able to crack these people and end their organization. Danno had been the one who picked up Kurt at the University and get lunch together.

The two then discuss on the possible mindset concepts on the people’s attack group and will never stop or will they gain mre terrorism. This in which Metzger point out that , “The more terror they cause, the more publicity”. The group wants to be recognized by the society that they will not face injustice and this helps spread their message and recruit more members. Whoever the leader they have, this leader did a pretty good job at it, influencing the young teens to join in and not fearing fro the consequences of their actions.

Danno on the other hand tried his best to digest the information while eating, this was not the multitask he was thinking about. The two then left the restaurant and as soon as Danno ignited the engine, they were now held at gunpoint by the members from the group.

This could not be good, he cana’t risk fighting their way out, especially the armed assailants, it’s risky and suicidal at this point, they had no choice but to comply whatever they tell them to do. Danno on the other hand cold only hope that Steve and the others realize they’re going to be late for a long time and find them before he has no choice but to die protecting Kurt and get him out of here because he’s a cop, Kurt had a wife to come home to, Danno? He has only Steve but they knew that these were risks of the job he had applied of course. He was sure Aunt Clara would understand if he’s gone, Steve too , right?

Meanwhile, back at the Five O office was Steve, noticing that Danno’s car wasn’t in the lot yet send uneasy feelings on him. However he needed to stay positive that Kurt sure had Danno drive him somewhere else first, they’re okay, or so he thought. He continued studying about reports on anyone who had done reports about these kind of terrorist group when he heard aa knock on s door. “Come in”. A police officer who had brought in a package received it.

“A package delivered for you sir”. Steve stood up, gesturing the officer to place while Steve grabbed the ruler by the desk and have the other man too stand back just in case. He carefully open it and thankfully there is no suspicious sound coming out or any triggering aspects to it. However , things just escalated to a more dreadful as he looked into it, it was Kurt’s badge and Danno’s. Oh no .

Steve quickly drove to the Governor’s office where he had met Manticote and Governor himself about the possible situation of both Danno and Kurt being held hostage, and if they were to be released. They will have to release the the two members that have been caught before.

“If you don’t accept our offer, your fascist pigs will be executed, and our retribution will not stop there. As long as Victor and Driver remain in chains, we will continue to take prisoners of war and execute them. No man, woman or child on this island will be safe from our vengeance. Now , you release our brothers, or the lid will blown on this thing like a volcano”.

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