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Shit. Someone beat me here.

I took out my blaster and started to walk towards the cockpit where they currently are in. I slowly crept around until I could see a figure. However, I couldn't figure out what they look like. On three.




I turn the corner, weapon raised at them.

"Whoa! Take it easy."


"Hey, sweetheart!"

"Don't call me that," I put my blaster down. "Why are you here?"

"Missed you too. Look, the Resistance needs more fighters. We just got intel that the First Order is working with someone. What was his name? David? No, Damon? Drew?"

"I already told you that I'm not interested in fighting in this war," I said. "Besides, I'm pretty busy as it is."

He let out a sigh. I know better though. He isn't going to give up. Ever since I've met him, he's been stubborn about something. Even taking things in his own hands no matter how reckless just to get it done.

"Please, just come with me. You don't need to fight in our war, but maybe you can help us out with whoever this new person is."

"You realize you're still asking me to be part of this war by helping you? I'll come though. "

"I know that, but sometimes it's the way you say it. Wait."

Poe looked up at me confused. "I thought I'd have to persuade you more. You're usually stubborn. What happened?"

"In all honesty, I don't really feel like constantly moving from one place to another. It'll feel nice to have a break."

I turned and walked out of the cockpit. Once I reached the door to the ship, I turned back.


"Supreme Leader."

A man bowed his head at a large man dressed in all black, sitting on a throne surrounded by six knights.

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