Chapter 10 - Hustling with peasants

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Barron ran outside the house, grabbing the pocket knife he could see, his opal card and his phone. As soon as he made it across the gate, he realised he forgot his mask, and ran back in to get it.

As he was about to run to the front door, he could see the silhouette of a man in his parent's room. A naked peasant man. Barron felt the need to investigate this man, so he could find clues as to where the blonde girl could have been hidden. He hid behind the palm tree and observed. A woman walked into the room. She looked about his mother's height, had the same brown hair. Wait that was his mother! Doing unspeakable things with this gronk?

"Fuck the mask I'm leaving." Barron swore for the first time in his life. He was deeply hurt by this.

After 4 hours of trying to get a bus, he finally got the 645 towards the west. He fell into deep slumber in the backseat, waking up every now and then to the 12 year old eshays' loud music.

"Bloody rapscallions" he whispered under his breath.


Barron was awakened by hands on his shoulders shaking him.

"Can I see your Opal Card, mate!" A loud angry voice echoed. "And where's your mask, you bugger?" Before he knew it, Barron was shoved out of the bus, as the voice continued screaming.

"Thats what you get for being a menace." The bus drove off, leaving Barron lying on the footpath, still half asleep.

He managed to pick himself up, patting his pockets down to find his phone, to check where he was. Nothing. He couldn't find his wallet either, or his opal card, or his lighter. It must have fell out when he was being shoved out of the bus.

Barron walked around, hungry, dehydrated, and still hungover from last night, not knowing what time it was or where he was. He finally came across a 7 eleven. He decided to go in and see if anyone can help him.

As he stepped in, he noticed the same shade of blonde, the one in the selfie that hung on his mirror this morning. It was the same girl, with a bunch of peasants. Had he accidentally found her?

He stood outside staring at her, her messy bun, her red TNs, the pink vape in her hand, the long af lashes he could see from 300 meters away; it was all mesmerising.

"She's definitely being held hostage... what would an elegant angel like her be doing in the west otherwise?" he wondered, hiding behind an old woman to save himself from the savages that had kidnapped her.

Just as he was looking at them, trying to devise a plan to save both himself and his newfound princess, he watched her pull out a lighter from under her beanie, and threaten to burn the cashier's wig if she didn't let them run with the goods they didn't pay for. The savages that were with her had filled up two trolleys worth of food, energy drinks, lighters, bananas, and Slurpees.

They all scurried out while the blonde girl still had the cashier under her grip. She let go and sped out when she knew her accomplices were far enough.

Now Barron was confused. Was she really a victim, or was she the leader of all this? Lost in his thoughts, Barron didn't realise the old woman had moved away and now, the group could see him staring at them.

"Am i still fucked up or am i seeing that lad from the beaches?" Her voice was sweet but words foul.

"Knew you were a good cunt! Which area you from, dawg?" one of the savages spoke, his arm resting on the blonde girl's waist. That made Barron mad. He didn't know her, but he knew she was too good for this peasant to touch.

"Do you know each other?" Barron had voiced his thought before he had a chance to stop them.

The man looked at Barron funny. The girl stepped closer to the peasant man, "You have a problem lad?"

"Oi calm down, will ya? Let the man speak, he don't seem bad." The man spoke. "Call me Jetho, and this my girl, Jules."

Jules. The name struck like lightning in his head. She was from puppetry class, wasn't she? It all made sense. He attempted to call her before all this went down. Wait did he say, misses? Are they an item? He looked up to see the girl blushing aggressively.

"I'm Barronster Gwaine Julius Caesar Morrison the third, son of..." Barron had just begun to introduce his legacy when he was cut off by the Jules. "Oh bugger off, he's a bore, I told you Jetho."


"....and here I am now. Penniless with no idea what to do in life..." Barron said taking the ciggy from Jetho's hand before taking a long drag and passing it to Jules.

The three had bonded over the difficulties of life. Jetho and Barron got along well, but Jules seemed to hate the idea of Barron.

"Brother, you should work for me." Jetho broke the silence. "I run this business. I've put all my effort into it, and all I need is trustworthy cunts, and you, my man, are one."

"Anything for you, Jetho. You really are my best friend now..." Barron began, but before he could finish the sentence, a scooter was flung at his head, knocking him unconscious.

"Thats what you get for stealing my man." Jules' voice echoed through the empty parking lot, as Jetho giggled, swinging the unconscious Barron over his shoulder and getting on his scooter, before speeding away into the Mount Druitt sunset.

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