Chapter 9- Love beyond the LGA

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This chapter follows the story of Linda - Barron's mother.  

As she pulled her red dress lower across her chest, Linda tried to go over her pre date checklist in her mind.

"Mint, yes got it. Lip gloss, done. I'm still missing something... oh right toilet paper. Never know when you need it, amiright?" She chuckled to herself.

As she walked by the bathroom mirror, she caught a glimpse of herself, with her scandalous red dress, her brunette hair flowing onto her face, matching her cocoa eyes. She hadn't felt this seggsy since she was 20, walking on the streets of her homeland, with every man turning around to take another look at the gorgeous young woman walking by. Dating was easy for Linda then, that's when she met him. Her forever love. Richard.

"Look how gorgeous my wife is looking today!" the voice interrupting her thoughts. Way to ruin her moment.

"What do you want, Scott?" Linda replies, rolling her eyes hard in annoyance. He did the same thing 30 years ago. Came in at the worst moment and ruined her chance at life. But the man had money, lots of it. So she stayed.

"Always in a mood, aren't you honey? Have fun at brunch! I'm going to Engadine today. Engadineeee" Scott cooed, walking out of the room. He never seemed to understand how much she despised him. Pea brain.

"Don't forget the toilet paper..." Linda reminded him, once again fixing her dress. She hated his guts but it's embarrassing when he shits himself in public.

She had her heart set on this date. She needed to get away from Scott, she had suffered enough for 30 years. She had cried about this to Bertram. He had introduced her to this new app young people use to date. Tinder.

The first man she set eyes on on this app was the man she was going to meet today. Professor Dickson, a distinguished gentleman, who loved fishing and beer, and who lived in the west. 6 foot tall, with abs like the devil's, and a mullet that would shake all the men in suits up. He reminded her of her first love, Richard Richardson.

She was to meet her tinder date at a petrol bunk, she assumed he would pick her up in his Mustang, and they could drive into the darkness of the night. How romantic.

She got to the servo at 5, They were supposed to meet at 4, but Linda knew the rules. Make the man wait. Makes you more attractive.

She looked around, for the Mustang. There was no one at the servo except a man passed out near the bins. Her date seemed to be running late. She decided to call him.

She could hear a phone ringing, her date must be around. She looked around. No one. The ringing seemed to come from near the man. Taking a few steps closer to him, she realised it was him that she was calling.

The manly scent of sweat and beer tickled her nose, smelled almost familiar. Taking one look at the man's deep blue eyes, she could tell she knew him. He was her love. Richard.

She tried to take the beer bottle off his hand so she could wake him up. Just as she set her hand upon the bottle, he woke up, swearing profanities to all the Gods.

"oi Linda??" He exclaimed when he was done cursing Dan Andrews, tears welling up in his eyes. Did he remember her? Is he.... Is he Professor Dickson?

Before she knew it, she found herself in his arms, staring at the nightsky, cuddled up near the trashcans.

"Ya wanna go get some beers?" Dickie spoke, breaking the silence.

"Let's go to my place. My asshat husband is in Engadine, my idiot son is studying for his stupid puppetry entrance exams. We have the house to ourselves." She said with a wink.

Dickie nodded yes, a slight change in his mood.

"I'll tell ya sumn? I'm a puppetry professor. Don't disrespect my passion like that again.", he said getting up, drying the large stain on his pants that was either piss or beer.

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