Chapter Thirty-Four - Sometimes You Can Only Cry - Volume Two Ending

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"You look... rough..." I didn't want to just tell her how fucked she looked. I mean I had a feeling she knew but it was rather bad. I felt bad knowing it was somewhat my fault for her looking like this. I caused some problems while I was gone... Was I gone or... I can't understand it. I just felt like I was dreaming for a long time and my head was getting used to being somewhat normal again.

"I look like shit, I know. If I knew you were going to wake up today I would have gotten dressed up, fixed up my hair, and wore my best clothes but... Here I am, a hot mess." Drucilla had a sarcastic smile on her face as she gestured to her body. Her voice sounded like she was crying for a long time or maybe she hasn't used her voice a lot.

She was worried about me... Someone who was related to me cared that much for me. I wonder how many times I wished my father would give me any type of attention. I didn't care what it was, I just wanted him to look at me. I didn't want to be ignored... That hurt way more.

"I guess I was asleep for a while... My body feels like it hasn't been moving for a good amount of time." I was absentmindedly running my fingers through Eli's hair as he slept in my arms. He let out a pleased sound before snuggling even closer to me.

"It's been a month... I thought it was a year but maybe I was just too stressed. Everett was telling me to calm down but how could I?! You weren't moving and... it seemed like you were... I just didn't want to deal with it... I can't handle it... I don't want to... I𑁋" I didn't know how to react when she started to cry. My body tensed up and I wanted to run out of the room but I had a feeling my legs would only fall to the ground.

"...Don't cry." I couldn't help but hold Eli tighter in my arms due to how tense I was getting. This reminds me of the time when my mommy would cry and wouldn't stop no matter what I did for her. Older women who cry always make me freeze up... I can never relax...

Drucilla just ignored me and got up from the seat she was sitting on then hugged me close to her body. She didn't make a sound as she cried into my shoulder but her hold on me was so tight that it was hard to breathe... I don't know if that was because my heart was getting tight in my chest.

"If you want to cry, you can cry. It looks rather ugly looking holding it back like that. I promise I won't tell anyone, it's our little secret..." I could taste blood in my mouth as I tried not to lean on Drucilla's hand that was rubbing my cheek. There were a lot of emotions going through me and I couldn't understand most of them.

I lived through many lives, I died many times. I suffered through many things as Aurelia and Alina. I don't know how this happened to me in the first place. I wonder if it's because someone hates me? Most people hate me... Or did someone feel sorry for me... I don't understand.

How many times did I die? How many times did I suffer? Wanted someone to love me, wanted someone to care about me. I hate all those people who hurt me and I want to hurt them but... Would that fix anything? Would it get rid of everything that happened to me?

There were so many questions, not enough answers. My head was trying to figure out what to do next but I kept meeting a dead end. I was scared about going through suffering again but I want to believe things will be better for me. Even though I was in a child's body, my adult mind didn't allow me to feel calm at all.

So... I did what I would only do when I was sure no one could see me, judge me. I cried. I was crying over nothing and everything. I was crying over all the memories that are in my head. I am crying over so many things. I wasn't fine. I wasn't okay.

My life was put in a role of a villainess so I could help people get their happiness. I wasn't allowed to get a good ending... My good ending was someone else bad ending. It wasn't fair and I hated it so much...

I don't want to be the villain of someone's story, I just want to live a life I wasn't able to before. I just want things to end differently for me. I don't care if I am seen as selfish or horrible, I went through way too many things to just let this happen to me once again.

Things were different and people cared about me... I don't want to lose this at all... Please don't take this away from me. Just because I am the villainess doesn't mean I don't deserve a happy ending. Just give me this one thing...

Author Note - Just going to tell you this but this was done for a while now but I have a problem with ending things. I like to keep pushing it off so I don't have to deal with it ending. I feel rather pleased with myself for actually finishing a novel. It wasn't perfect but I felt happy writing it. I may go back to edit through it. Don't know when but I can take my time with it. For all the people who stuck around to read this story, thank you for taking a chance on this story. I hope to continue getting better with my writing so that I can keep making more stories. I don't know when I will make a second book for this but I will try my best to make sure it is something worth waiting for. Thank you and have a good year.

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