The door opened again, and the boys turned to face Davina.

"Hey," She said tentatively.

The boys nodded in acknowledgement.

Jordan and Declan shared a looked, and then Declan went back into the cafe joining the others.

"That was some warning you gave there," Jordan said, attempting to put some humour back into the situation. He smiled weakly at her.

Davina leaned against the wall, watching him. "Hmm, didn't work though, did it?"

Jordan scoffed. "I thought you didn't like me,"

Davina shook her head. "It had nothing to do with you,"

"Yeah, I can tell now,"

The two shared a small smile.

Davina opened her mouth to say something but stopped. Jordan watched her in anticipation. "You know, she doesn't know. She wouldn't have led you on or anything-"

"Yeah, I know, don't worry about me," Jordan interrupted. He didn't want to talk about this now or at all. She wouldn't understand.

Davina could tell he didn't want to talk about it. She didn't realise how hurt he was, though. She couldn't understand it. Why was he so devasted from a girl he'd only met a couple of weeks ago?

She watched as he looked back into the window of the cafe. He was only hurting himself more by standing here.

"Let's go somewhere," Davina spoke out, surprising even herself.

Jordan looked up at her, trying to find any sign of insincerity.

She walked towards him, her green eyes matching his. "Let's go somewhere. I need to take my mind off things and well, you," She trailed off.

Jordan tilted his head in amusement, looking down at her. She was still a few inches shorter than him, even in her boots. A slight smirk grew on his face as he caught onto what she implied. The smirk slowly crept onto Davina's face.



"I would never have guessed you out of everyone would be out here getting drunk with me," Jordan let out after kicking another can to the curb.

"I am full of surprises," Davina replied, handing him another drink.

The two of them were hanging around a liquor store after having bought a couple of cases of drinks.

Jordan thought back to what Estelle said about getting high together and snorted.

Davina looked at them curiously. "What?"

"But then again, I should have known that's how it started," He said more to himself than her.

So Estelle got her tendencies from her mother.

He wondered if they all did this often in the future.

Davina arched a brow, still missing his point. She turned to face the wall again.

"It's my fault. In the end, I fell too hard for her too quickly, and I ended up getting hurt," Jordan began rambling. Drunk Jordan is a sad Jordan.

"It's not your fault," Davina reassured, taking another swig of her bottle. "Everyone falls a little bit in love with Arya Hudson."

Jordan snorted. "So it seems," He turned to face her curiously. "What about you?

Davina looked back at him. "What do you mean?"

Levelling the Playing Field (HD&D Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now