Chapter 2: Unexpected Visit. The Unknown Gift

Start from the beginning

The duo had arrived to the living room, seeing the little entertainment i had- between guns to books

Doremy:"Lively place for a Moon Emissary" She said with a smug smile

Sagume meanwhile was still frozen at Doremy's grip, which was something that didn't go unnoticed

Y/N:"Oi Doremy, doubt she can stay there much longer" Doremy turned to her friend, letting go right at the moment

Doremy:"Whoopsie doopsie, my mistake" She hit her forehead while sticking out her tongue as Sagume took hold of her wing and rubbed it

Y/N:"Poor of her..."

Doremy:"Anyways! Have you had anything to eat yet?" Asked the Baku as she took a seat

Y/N:"No nothing really, just arrived after a-"

Doremy:"Then we'll make dinner, we're experts at cooking!" Sagume walked to her side and nodded

Y/N:"It's not-"

Doremy:"-a question, now sit down and wait for us" A second after interrupting me, the two walked towards the kitchen together while i stood there fazed by the events

Y/N:"...sure i guess?"

I sat down after a moment, sitting over something hard that was beneath me

Y/N: Wha-? Oh right, Toyohime

After remembering the gift from the sisters that i received, i took it out from my pocket and opened the little box to see a small ring in it, shining with a moon's rock on it

Y/N:"A ring?..well, if it's a gift i can't say anything..." With that i placed the ring on my finger, it was surprisingly fitting on it, the exact same size

Sagume:"Y/N, food" Called out Sagume from the kitchen with neutrality


Walking into the kitchen without expecting a lot from them, i saw Doremy already placing down some plates on the counter, i was surprised by their speed at preparing a full plate of food with so little time that had just passed, maybe was just something from the Goddess and the Baku

Doremy:"Oh Y/N, already here?" Asked Doremy with a smug smile as usual, as if she didn't expect

Sagume:"Called, as told" Said Sagume to answer for me

Doremy:"Aww, wanted him to say something by himself like 'i came to see if you needed help with anything' like a gentleman"

Y/N:"Would've done so if i had seen an explosion coming from here..." I answered to her words, earning a giggle from Doremy

Doremy:"Relax, i'm just joking with this, however i'm really done so dig in!"

A purple blob that was floating at her side reached for the bowl, grabbing and bringing it to me

Y/N:"Is this your pet Doremy?" I asked as i took the plate, i hadn't seen this food before, maybe something from Earth?

Doremy:"Oh something like that, it's hard to explain"

With some questions in mind that i deemed unnecessary to answer, i sat down on the counter and began eating. To my surprise, the first bite of it was actually way too good to describe, couldn't help but compliment

Y/N:"This is actually really're a good cook Doremy, what's this?"

My compliment seems to have made an effect on her, she focused on me with a kinder smile than her usual smug aura

Doremy:"Aww thanks! This is a dish from Earth that i saw a lot of people eat as breakfast, called it Egg or so"

Y/N:"This egg was good then, you're good at cooking!" A giggle came from the Baku's lips in response, meanwhile a slightly jealous aura was felt on the environment, but i decided to shrug it off until it disappeared

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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