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Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

'word': examples, sarcasm

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts



???:"Y/N, captain, sir!" Exclaimed one of the moon rabbits coming to me

Y/N:"Something the matter? I was finishing with the preparations of our friend over here..." I answered while loading a rifle

Moon Rabbit:"I-it's Yorihime-sama, she wishes to see you"


I finished loading the gun, placing it aside and grabbing a handgun on the table

Y/N:"It must be important. I'll be there in an instant" I told her while making sure the handgun was in perfect state

Moon Rabbit:"Understood! I'll make sure to tell her" With those words, the moon rabbit left


Y/N:"There..." I whispered to myself as i stared at the gun

As you can tell by that rabbit, i'm one of the Moon Emissaries, someone in a really high rank you see. As you could probably tell, i'm a Lunarian, one that possesses a supernatural skill i don't think is needed to explain just now

Y/N:"Ah right, i better go see what she needs..." With those words, i took my handgun and saved it while walking out of my place towards the place i remember she was in

While walking, i'll tell you the situation. So basically the Earth decided to attack the Lunar Capital. What's that? The place where us Lunarians live in...and also a really advanced civilization from- well, the moon. I was asked to help in order to protect the capital as one of the emissaries so i can't really decline

Y/N:"Did you need me, Yorihime?" I asked as i arrived at the place, where some moon rabbits were already in a line and Yorihime was infront of them with her sword thrusted in the ground

Y/N:"Did you need me, Yorihime?" I asked as i arrived at the place, where some moon rabbits were already in a line and Yorihime was infront of them with her sword thrusted in the ground

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Yorihime:"Y/N, i'm glad you arrived, a storm is coming" She said with a serious tone

Y/N:"A storm? Are they near?"

I walked to her side, handgun in hand

Yorihime:"Yes, really near. We must fight with everything we've got now, we can't give up the Lunar Capital like that" She followed up while the moon wind was moving her hair


I turned around and raised my hand, making the moon rabbits behind stand straight

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