Chapter 9

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When Veronica wakes up in the morning, it's still quiet. She looks at her phone and her heart almost stops beating when she sees that it is past 9am. It's been forever since she was able to sleep in, to be more specific the last time she slept in was a little over 5 years ago. She places her phone back on the coffee table, rubs her eyes and then slowly sits up. A quiet little giggle from the bedroom fills her heart with joy. There is nothing in this world that makes her happier than her daughter.

Just for a moment longer she stays on the couch then gets up and walks to the bedroom where her daughter is still giggling. Slowly and as quiet as possible she opens the door. Unfortunately though, both notices Veronica right away.

"Mommy!" Linda squeals.

"Good morning you two" she smiles.

"I'm hungry"

Archie's eyes widen "I swear Ronnie this is the first time she mentioned this. I'm not letting her starve"

"No worries" Veronica giggles "but I didn't go grocery shopping yet so all I have is cereal. I hope that's okay with both of you"

"I love cereal!" Linda squeals and runs past her mom to the kitchen.

Veronica stares at Archie. She can't keep her laugh in for long. "Nice shirt"

"Shut up Ronnie. You did this on purpose. I know you well. You love to sleep in oversized shirts. I bet you have at least one... less glittery shirt in your closet"

Veronica shrugs with a smirk "maybe. We'll never know"

"Oh we'll know. I'll make you get me a different one"

"But that one looks so good on you" Veronica teases.

Archie jumps up. Before Veronica can even react, she's in his arms while he's tickling her. "Fine, fine you win" she laughs. Archie immediately stops tickling her. Veronica stops laughing. She takes a deep breath before she looks up into Archie's eyes. They look as beautiful as ever but something makes her stare. He stares back at her. His arms are still around her and her hands are on his chest. The world stopped turning. There is only the two of them. Archie feels how his heart beats faster. How the adrenaline makes his body heat up and his cheeks blush.

"I—" he starts but is interrupted by his daughter.

"Mommy! I need help!"

"Coming" Veronica says but so quietly that only Archie heard it. Suddenly there's not just her and Archie anymore. The world starts turning again. The heat leaves Archie's body as Veronica slowly removes her hands from his chest. She takes a few steps backwards before she turns around and walks to the kitchen to help her daughter.

Archie just stands there for a moment. He tries to process what just happened. He has a million thoughts running through his mind but he shakes his head then joins the girls for breakfast.


After a long argument, Veronica and Archie finally got their daughter to bed. She's asleep and Veronica is ready to go to bed too. Archie is still in his comfy clothes but he did plan on leaving once Veronica goes to bed. He just tries to make that moment come as late as possible. He would love to stay another night but he doesn't want to push anything. Things are good between him and Veronica and he doesn't want to ruin it. He loves Linda and he wants to see her as often as possible and he really doesn't want any bad vibes between him and his daughter's mother when he spends time with her. There is just one thing he wants to talk about before he leaves.

"Ronnie?" he asks as she walks out of the kitchen with a glass of water in her hands.
"Mhm" she mumbles as she takes a sip. She places it on the coffee table then walks over to Archie who is only a few steps away. "what's up?"

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