Gabriella The Professional Pick Me

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Gabriella POV

It was a normal day, I was tying my hair into a messy bun per usual. I was staring at myself in the mirror and I looked down to see makeup products my abusive mother gave me. I sighed to myself as I turned away from the mirror, tears swelling up in my beautiful green orbs. 

"I will never wear makeup for you mother", I whisper to myself.

 I don't want to end up like Britney at school... Britney is the school bully. She bullies me because I'm poor and work 3 jobs. Britney wears a thick layer of makeup every day to school, and I would never want to be like that. For I want to stay natural, not to impress boys but to impress me. 

I wipe my eyes, washing away all the tears rolling down my cheeks. As I walk elegantly down the stairs, my gorgeous brown hair was bobbing up and down as I take another foot forward, making my way down the stairs into the living room. My gaze averts to my drunk mother passed out on the couch/sofa. I sigh and start walking to school.

 As I was walking I slowly drifted off into a day dream, I sigh and remember the first day I ever saw my mother get drunk.

 It was a very sad day for my family, for that day was my father's funeral. Dad got into a car accident coming back from work and ever since that my mother couldn't control herself anymore and relied on alcohol to fix her problems.

 This caused me having to work 3 jobs to look after my mother and myself. After a while I self-diagnosed myself with depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD and BPD.

 I snap out of my day dream as I start walking into school. As I was walking to my locker to put away my things I bumped into Jake the bad boy. Jake's father was the principle of this school and he was loved by everyone. He was also the captain of our school's football team. 

"Watch it nerd!" He exclaims. 

"I-I-I-I'm sorry Jake" I stuttered.

 Before he could say anything else I ran away hiding my flustered face. This caused me to run into yet another person! 

"I-I'm terribly sorry for bumping into you Britney!" I stuttered once again.

 "Ew, did a peasant girl just talk to me!?" She yells offendedly.

 "Don't you know I'm the most popular girl here!?"

 "I could make your life a living hell if I wanted to, brat!"

 I start to walk off whispering to myself, "My life is already a living hell...".

448 Words

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