Chapter Three

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After a few minutes James walks out of the Cabin carrying a small bag. I got you something. I dont want you to have any excuse for your loss. he says handing me the bag. I roll my eyes and investigate the bag. There are tiny sport shorts in it. I look up to him. Are you serious? Thats like three numbers undersized. I say raising one eyebrow. Ah, no I dont think so. Youre so small and tiny. Itll fit. he says pretty sure. You can change in the changing room of the opponents team. he says leading me there. I close the door behind me. I put off my skinny jeans and put on the short. Its pretty short but it fits surprisingly well. I look into the mirror to check if it is too short. Its okay. Nothing Im not used to from cheerleading. I put my Jeans into the bag and leave the cabin. James, who leans against the wall, watches me up and down. Told you it would fit. he says smirking. Instinctively I put off my jacket and tie it around my waist trying to cover a little more and keep James from looking at me in this way. Noticing that this was a direct reaction to his glance, he just smirks a little more. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. Can we start? I havent got all day. I pressure. He nods following me back to the field. So, what are you thinking of? Have you already made up a challenge? I ask as we are on the sideline. Well, I dont think we have to build up much of a challenge, we can either just compare our speed by simply starting a race or we can try to build up a small game situation. But either way youre going to lose, so you can now, to keep your pride, just step back, apologize and Ill forget everything you said. James states boastful. You dream, James. Get ready to get beaten by a little cheerleader girl. we both stare at each other. I cant help but think that he enjoys this, which gets me even angrier. Alright, just as you like. And what will I get for my win? he asks overconfident. I glare at him. What do you want? his boastful facial expression yields the place for a dirty grin. His eyes wander up and down on my body. Well, I could think of something. he says still grinning at me. The way he looks at me makes me blush and feel nervous. I dont want my body to react like that, but I cant stop it. I try to cover it by rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. Youre lost in your dreams again, James. Would you please quit calling me James. Youre not my mom. he pleads. I shrug my shoulders. So, what do you want me to call you? Jimmy? As if youre a small boy? Then Im feeling like your mommy. He glares at me and a small smile flits across his face. I would love to hear you call me, Oh god, oh god, right there, Jimmy. he says moaning the second part. Again, he makes me blush at his dirty allusion. Gosh would you please stop that? I try to shut him down. But as I could have thought he doesnt. No, thats not the thing I wanted you to say. Perhaps thats my price if Im going to win. Every time you see me youll have to call me like that. He cant be serious. Most of the times Im going to see him will be at training with not only the whole team but also my pretty protective brother-in-law. But fine if he wants to risk his own safety. If I lose, I wont come to training anymore. Such a pity. Fine. But if I win, and you know I will, youll do some cheerleader choreographs with me next time your team trains. Just to make sure you understand how hard it is to be a cheerleader. And of course, well wear some cute cheerleader outfits too. I tell him my conditions. I put out my hand to seal our deal. Still sure hes going to win he takes my hand.

Okay so this is how we do it. Im going to start the throwing machine and as soon as the ball comes out, I may start and try to tackle you. Then well see if theres a reason why youre the football player. I outline our rules one last time. He nods a little annoyed that we still havent started. I turn around and place myself next to the machine on the line of the endzone. James waits at the ten-yard line, ready to catch the ball. I push the button to throw the ball and wait till it finally comes out. I run as fast as I can trying to catch him as soon as possible. When James catches the ball and starts to run Im about four yards away. I can reduce the distance a little more til James gets going. Once he caught his speed, he enlarges the distance with every step he takes so I need to increase my pace. The distance gets smaller and smaller so decide to start my attack. I jump to tackle him, but he just keeps going. Pretty logical if I think of the, for sure, more than half a foot that he is bigger than me. I now clutch around his torso trying to at least chip the ball out of his hands. Its not possible for me to reach the ball, so we enter the endzone, me still on his back. As he throws the ball to the ground, I let go of him and jump to the ground too. He turns to me smiling boastful. I frown, When Georgie plays with me, its a tackle when I catch him. I think we should do that too. Its just fair. You weigh twice as much as me at least. He shakes his head slightly laughing. You wish. You should have spoken about that before you lost. Now come on well do the return round. he says while I cross my arms still frowning. I follow him back down the field and now take the place at the ten-yard line. James starts the machine and a few second later the ball leaves the machine and comes rushing up to me. I can manage to catch the ball and start to run. Right from the beginning I feel James only some inches behind me, so I try to come up with my last power to gain some extra speed. I can enlarge the distance for a few inches but soon hes back again and I recognize his arm trying to grab me. I try to dodge and can indeed escape his arms just to get tackled more or less two yards later. He grabs my waist and brings me down to the ground. He pulls me close to his chest and puts his arms around me, protecting me from hitting the ground. As we slide a bit on the field, he turns us around in order to prevent me from being jammed under his weight. Certainly, that makes me half laying, half sitting on top of him. I push myself up til I really sit on him, in order to stand up, but he grabs my waist before I can do so. You know what that means? He asks with a mischievous smile on his lips. I close my eyes in despair but nod knowingly. Yeah, I know what that means. I answer still not able to stand up due to his hold. Well then, he says patting the side of my thighs. Stand up. Only if you want to, of course. I really enjoy that. he goes on. I hit him softly with my fist on the chest and get up afterwards. I turn around to leave the filed, not waiting for him to stand up. Hey, come on, wait for me. he yells. I simply shake my head not turning around. Only a small moment later he comes up to me. Dont you have to tell me something? he asks innocently. I raise an eyebrow pretending to think about it. Hmm, nah I dont thin... Oh wait yes I need to tell you something. Youre a jerk. I respond. Not what he wanted to hear. He shakes his head in amusement. Youre nothing of a good looser. But I can tell youre hell of a good athlete. Even, though, naturally you couldnt beat me. he admits. You really think that? I ask surprised remembering what he said about cheerleading earlier. He nods. Hell yes. I know what an effort it is to be a cheerleader. I just wanted to tease you. And it turned out to be a very good decision considering what you are going to call me from now on. he smirks. You cant be serious. Youre such an idiot. I say rolling my eyes. I dont know if this information makes him more or less sympathetic. I hear him chuckling. I guess though Im a jerk youll have to apologize to me. I grind my teeth in anger. Well, perhaps, throwing isnt the only thing Quarterbacks can do. Youre a passable athlete too. I admit still furious on the inside. He smiles satisfied. Oh, thank you. Thats so kind. Its always nice to be appreciated for what I do. he says faked honored. I roll my eyes and fasten my walk to leave him behind me. We already found out that Im faster than you are. he says amused by my try to escape him. We enter the Lobby together and I take out my phone to call a Taxi. As I say Hello here speaks Lillian Till. Id like to get a taxi... he takes my phone out of my hand and speaks to the person on the other side. Sorry theres no need of a Taxi. Have a nice day. and ends the call. I look at him not understanding why he did that. Oh, come on. I wont let you take a taxi. Ill bring you home. No need to waste any of Georges money. he jokes. Know what, suck it. Yeah, I do live with him. And drive his car. But I still earn my own money to pay for myself. I state. Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend you. It was only a joke. he apologizes, and I nod accepting. You must be a very organized person to study, be in the cheer squad and work. he says approving. I smile. Well, yes I am but it is very exhausting to be. I reply honestly. Then, why do you do it? I dont think that it would bother George if you didnt work. he asks sincere. I nod knowing that hes right. Yeah, he says that too. Its an usual discussion before I leave for work, but I dont want to be a burden to anyone. And I want to avoid being accused of wasting Georges money. Even if you didnt mean it there are enough people out there who do. I explain. James nods understanding. As we crossed the Lobby, he opens the front door for me. I pass him and wait outside not knowing where he parked his car. He leads me to his car, and we talk about my study and the exams a bit. We continue our talk on the way home. As he enters the Driveway of Georges house and parks the car, he turns to me. You know, I really have to admit, it was very much fun, beating you today. And Im sure Ill have so much more fun to see you, well more of you seeing me, around sometimes. he says referring to our deal. You know, for one moment I forgot youre a complete jerk. I reply opening the door of his car. No thanks for the ride? He asks as I already left the car. Nah, you dont deserve that. I say closing the door and leaving for the house. I put off my shoes and untie the jacket which I tied around my waist again after I lost the challenge. I go upstairs to get a shower and prepare for the party at Brandons for we already passed nine oclock. As Im about to enter my room, George comes upstairs. What the hell are you wearing? Did you wear that at the field? he asks not even greeting me. I turn to him. Calm down Georgie. I had to change for the challenge, so James gave me those. I explain. What? Jimmy did that? What a perv. Hes more than eight years older than you are. he rages. Nah, come on George. Thats one of the few things you shouldnt accuse him of. It was very fair of him. And its not like Im not used to wear clothes much shorter than those. I refer to our cheerleader outfits. For one moment he seems to be shocked but then he understands what I meant. Oh yeah, you cheerleader outfits. We should talk about that too, I guess. I dont think thats appropriate. Youre basically still a minor. he goes on. I smile at him. Oh Georgie, youre so cute. Well, yes I know. he says feeling flattered. What are you doing tonight? I ask him to lead away from the outfit topic. Me and Claire have date night. If she finally shows up. What are you up to? he asks in response. Brandon invited me to come over. He says there are a few people coming. I tell him about my plans. But you will change before you go there, right? he asks and I nod. I was on my way to the shower and wanted to get dressed more appropriate afterwards. I appease him. Well then I dont want to stop you. Say goodbye when you leave. And call me if you want to be picked up. he demands. I assure him that Ill do and then enter my room to get my clothes. After I took the shower, I put on a new outfit, consisting of a dark blue wide leg pants and a red crop top. Afterwards I dry my hair and put them into a messy bun. I put on concealer and add a little bit mascara. Then I leave the bathroom to go into my room to search for a jacket and shoes that match my outfit. I decide to wear white plateau boots and a matching white leather jacket. I grab a small bag and my phone and leave my room to look out for George. I find him sitting on the couch watching TV. As I walk down the stairs, he recognizes me. Oh wow, little one, you look great. Who you wanna impress? The Rookie? he asks curiously. I shake my head laughing at his question. Georgie, theres no man needed for me to style myself. I just dont want to look trashy when I meet new people. I deny his question. If you say so. Have fun little one. But not too much fun. And remember to call me if you want me to get you. he says knowing that I want to leave. I smile. Thanks Georgie. Ill remember that but I dont think itll be necessary. he nods agreeing and waves me goodbye. I wave back and walk down to the Lobby. I take the keys to my, well Georgies car, from the cardboard and look at me in the mirror. The strains I pulled out of my bun frame my face and give my outfit the right unstructured touch. Happy with my outfit I step out of the front door. I get into my car and key the address of Brandon into my navigation system. Itll take 15 minutes to drive there so Ill be there pretty much around ten oclock. I connect my phone with the cars stereo and play my playlist of favorites on shuffle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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