Atlas Shoulders

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This is officially the longest one shot I've ever written, AND the first romance oriented one too! Huge thank you to the Ironstrange Big Bang for hosting such a fun event and to everyone in the event for the constant support and fun!!

A GIANT THANK YOU to GmYiyo on twitter who's my artist partner in crime for this! Please please please go check out their INCREDIBLE art for this story, he was beyond a joy to collab with and honestly such a sweet friend :) I adore you! <3000

TW and SPOILERS// anxiety attack, gunshot wound

Have fun and stay safe🖤🤎❤️️🧡💛💚💙💜


Three, consecutive knocks on the Sanctum's door are what pulls Stephen from his otherwise relaxing Sunday afternoon. For once, he had gotten a moment to unwind and read one of the many non-sorcerer books lying unread on the bookshelf, absentmindedly playing with a blue butterfly that flutters around his fingertips. He resists the urge to groan and simply stands, the Cloak of Levitation coming to rest on his shoulders and both making their way to the door despite his better judgement. By the time he opens it, he realizes he shouldn't have bothered.

"Long time no see, Houdini." Stephen immediately slams the door. "Is this how you treat all your houseguests?!" Tony shouts through the now-shut door. He thought for sure he'd at least get more than a sentence in. Maybe he shouldn't have led with "Houdini."

"'Guest' implies you're welcome. Which you aren't," Stephen counters in a bored tone, ready to walk away. Tony sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he takes off his sunglasses.

"C'mon, give me five minutes. It's important..." The muffled voice comes across as genuine, but Stephen waits. "...Ish" Tony tags on at the end. Stephen rolls his eyes, but acquiesces nonetheless. He opens the door, maintaining his bemusement.


"Y'know, it's hard to take you seriously with the..." Tony smirks and points to the butterfly flying near Stephen's head. The sorcerer's expression doesn't falter as he goes to shut the door again. "Wait!" Tony sticks his foot between the door and the frame, catching it before it closes. "These are J.M. Weston, whole-cut leather Oxford shoes," he nods to his squished dress shoe in the door, "which should show you how serious I am. Just...five minutes." The two hold unwavering, intense eye contact...before Stephen begrudgingly relents.

"Three." With that, the door swings open and Tony saunters in before it can hit him in the face in case Stephen changes his mind.

"Nice place ya got, Doc." Tony shoves his hands into his pockets and casually looks around the ornate, spacious room.

"Two minutes and forty-eight seconds," Stephen reminds. Holding his hands up in mock surrender, the usual ego coming off him in waves, Tony gets down to business.

"No need to get your magic tighty whities in a twist," he easily quips and continues before Stephen's glare can intensify. "You probably guessed it wasn't Avengers related, so I'll get right to it. There's an SI Gala going on this Wednesday, and for the last month and a half I've been dreading it. The usual boring business shenanigans. Then, a brilliant idea pops into my head, pretty usual occurrence for me I know-"

"Is there a point to this?"

"But," Tony continues as if he wasn't interrupted, "who am I to decline my own genius. So," he turns lazily on his heel to suddenly face the doctor with a confident smile, "be my date." Silence fills the space between them. Stephen's bored, disinterested mind comes to a screeching halt as he tries to absorb what he just heard. It's such an unexpected overload that all he can say is,

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