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Time:7:45 Am

"Nandu, come down breakfast is ready" shouted and Nandini who is ready for the school looked back in the mirror one last time before going down ..

Took the bag from the chair, closed the door and ran down ..

"It's 7:45 already ...come one eat fast and start immediately" ..
Mom shouted ..

"My life is happy .."

"Everyday is like a fairytail ..
Dad and mom did love marriage ..
Still in sooo much love and they both love me equally ..

Nice family ..
Everyday happiness
Good grades in school ..
No problem anywhere ..
I think I am the most happiest person alive"

She finished my breakfast, giving a speed peck to her mom ..
She ran out of the house ..

She reached school just a minute before closing the gates ..

"Heh ..easy" ..


Time:4:00 pm ..

school is completely surrounded by trees ..
So much greenery and birds chirping sound is heard all the time ..

If the class is silent ..
It is the most peaceful place with full safety ..

School is over and she came out of the school ..
Ran to the near lake and sat down and layed down keeping her  bag as a pillow ..
Watching the blue sky
Green all around me ..
Blue peacefull lake with slow breeze hitting her body ..
This is making her fall asleep...


Time: 6pm

"Someone is kissing me ..
Hehe it is tickling .."

"I am so sleepy .."
She slowly opened her eyes and see an animal near her face ..

She got up in fear and moved back a little ..
looked again and it was a small puppy ..

"Oh my scared me" ..

She said and took a small breath

"Come here come here" ..she said keeping her hand towards it and the puppy ran towards nanidni ..

She took it in her arms and started petting her ..

"Are you hungry my baby" ..
She said still petting her ..

"I will take you home and feed you" ..she said and took her pocket watch out of her bag and saw the time ..

"Oh shit...late late late" ..she said and took her bag .. and the puppy in another hand and started running to her home..


I reached to the  gate ..and was panting ..

I saw up and mom was standing near the door so angrily ..

"You are again late nandu" ..she shouted ..

"I am sorry"..she replied

"Did you sleep near the lake again ? ..look at you look so messed .."..she shouted ..

Nanidni remained silent ..

"This is the last warning time ..don't come home late ..
Now go take a bath ..I already filled the tub with hot water and cooked all your favourites"..she said and Nandini smiled ..

"Wahhh ...thank you"..she said excitedly and was about to run inside and the puppy barked ..

"Nandu"she said angrily..
"What did you bring home this time ?"..she asked angrily ..

"Mom I am really sorry but just look at his is so cute,and it  is so hungry, please ..please ..I want to raise it ..
Please mom ..please .."..she started begging

"Okay okay...first take it to bath along with you .."..she said and Nandini ran inside happily..along with the dog ..


"Everyday is happy ..
Untill I had that nightmare"..

Nandini as usually got home late after her school ran to home ..

But she saw a lot of people standing outside her home ..

She pushing everyone reached the gate and shocked to see her mom lying down in front of the door with blood all over her face and her clothes ..

"Mom, what happened wake up .."..she shouted crying ..

Her father sat in the edge with a blank face with tears in his eyes ..


"Dear, I am going outside for a bit" ..nandini mom said to her father ..
Who is a freelance top writer in the industry...

"Huh for what?" ..he asked turning around to her ..

"Nandini is asking for a doll for so much time ...her birthday is coming so how about we gift it to her!! what I thought ..I am going to town"..she said ..

"Be careful it's already dark outside ..or do you want me to come with you ..?" ..he asked and she nodded as a No ..

"Don't worry I will be fine ..
Dinner is already cooked if you are hungry just eat it okay..
Bye"..she said and left the house ..

She reached the shop but the doll was already sold ..
So she had to go to few other shops and some other places
She found the doll finally and started to return back ..

But at the same time while walking on the road ..due to break failure .
A large truck hit her ..

She flew hitting the pole at the side and a hole is jammed through the edge and she falled down hitting her head
There was blood all over the place and she died on spot ..


"Mom please wake up ..please ..."..she is crying very hardly ..

After lying there all night ..
Early in the morning she was taken to the cemetery

Her father was looking lifeless ..
Nandini was crying all night ..

She was buried and all threw sand on on that place ..

Everyone left except for Nandini and her father ..

Life is never fair ..
Whenever you seem happy to it ..
It tries to change everything ..

And now it's nandini turn ..

Her life took a drastic turn after that day ..

Hello my lovely princess ...
Yes I am talking only to you ..

This is NIHARIKA again came here with a new story ..

Thank you for reading it ..and reaching my message ..

If you liked the chapter ..give a comment too ..for me to know how you feel princess ..

My doll have a good day *kiss on the hand* ..

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