Gally for @BillCipher333

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I walk out of the homestead after my hours of working are finally over. Being a med-Jack is great! I love doing it. But literally every guy in this stupid glade is clumsy and gets hurt! Like a lot. I've been in the glade now for almost a month. It's great. I have friends. Jeff and Clint are my two best friends. My other best friend is Newt. He's great. Also sometimes comes to help me if Jeff and Clint are busy and there's to many guys. I'm not the only girl. I was once but not anymore. The other girls name is Isabel. She's.. Alright I guess. She just really loves flirting with the guys. Especially Gally. It just makes me so mad! Like can you not flirt with my secret crush! That's really rude.
"Hey Emmy!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Gally's voice yelling my name. I turn around to see him shirtless hammering some pieces of wood together.
"Yeah?" I ask jogging over to him. My eyes flicker from his beautiful face to his beautiful six pack. When my eyes are back on his I see a tint of pink in his cheeks. Oh my god did he see me staring?!
"I was just wondering if you've eaten lunch yet..." He mumbles. Oh gosh. He's so cute!
"Uhm no I haven't yet. Why do you ask?"in say. I can feel my face burning up. PLEASE tell me I'm not blushing!
"Can I eat with you? You know if you don't mind. If you do I totally understand." Now he's the one blushing.
"Of course you can Gally." I say with a smile and we walk to the kitchen.

A few minutes later after getting our food from Frypan, we walk over to the deadheads. It's my favourite place in the whole glade.
"So Emmy," he says bringing my thoughts back to him. "I was kinda hoping to talk to you about something."
"What's up?" I ask, my heart fluttering in my chest like a thousand butterflies. If there's even a chance he likes me.
"I um, well I've liked you for a really long time. I know I'm no superhero or anything but I'll always protect you. Everyday you're all I think about. So please Emmy will you be my girlfriend?" He finally finishes. I stand there, my jaw hanging down suddenly an urge takes over and I press my lips to his. He pulls away smiling his silly grin.
"Yes." I say. And before long he reconnects our lips. Let's just say that we hadn't had time to eat lunch that day.

So guys here's a request for @billcipher333 I actually like this one so yeah. Also sorry this was so late!❤️ -Thyra

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