Chapter One : The "Last" Incident

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Kane slapped his built-in alarm clock and saw that it was Monday, which meant he had to attend school in his subterranean neighbourhood. He got up, dreading the process of walking to the building. Soon, he arrived and saw somewhat familiar students in his optic feed, as well as his tormentors, who appeared to be impatient. They were a group of 3 people who were feared by everyone in the building. They were named Peter, Dan, and Jenny. Peter was the typical power-hungry jock, and lead the group. Dan was reportedly involved with a murder of a classmate and was feared by all. Jenny was Peter's girlfriend and loved the attention. They were tall, enough to rival a Murder Drone. He got inside, grabbed his books, and headed off to Mathematics Class. He was often seated at the back, where Dan, Peter, and Jenny got the chance to torment him.

Kane was not all that tall, with blue eyes, and gray hair. He often wore a coat at all times and was considered to be quiet by others. Many knew that both of his parents were killed when they arrived, but that only added fuel to the fire. Since day one, he has been shunned by the rest of his grade, for no reason at all.

Lunch had arrived, and Kane sat down, alone. Nobody joined him, which was a sort of comforting feeling until he saw a book hurtling toward him, which struck him directly on his visor. Laughter echoed across the lunchroom, everyone looking his way. Kane got up, albeit reluctantly, and placed the book on the table. These types of incidents were familiar to him, as these were a sort of regular occurrences. He did not even need to look up to tell that it was Dan, Peter, and Jenny. The bell rang, and everyone went back to their classes. Kane was close to digital tears, but he started devising a plan.

History Class was tiring, with too much talk about them and their armaments according to eyewitness accounts. Kane did not even bat a eye when the teacher announced they had to do a project on them, where they had to make a cohesive timeline for when they arrived.

The school day was finally over, and he started to walk back, shrugging off a brick that missed him, instead careening off to the side. He made it back to his house and continued working on his plan. He felt that there was no other way out of his situation, and this was the only answer.

"Ok, just one more time. I'll sneak to the main door during the shift change of the WDF, use a signal copier to get the door open, close it when I'm out of the bunker and wait."

Kane knew it would be painful, but it would be worth it in the long run. Kane was good at creating EMP's and signal jammers, which the latter would be useful today. That reminded Kane that he needed to grab some parts from the storage area to make sure that his signal device worked properly. He snuck outside and tried to move to a loading dock near the entrance. Key word being tried, as someone noticed him moving through the alleyway. It was Dan, Peter, and Jenny. Dan was holding a piece of metal, sharp enough to be used as a weapon. Kane looked at a wall as if trying to notice something. This threw them off and made them lower their guard enough so that Kane could slip under them. He heard an angry voice behind him, but he kept running. He saw other workers look at them as he bolted through the halls, cheering Kane's pursuers onward. He made many turns, but he was still being chased. He soon arrived in an empty classroom, one with an open ventilation grate. Kane dove into the vent, his dazed body tumbling further into the vents. Kane stopped himself and crawled towards a ceiling grate. He could see Dan, Peter, and Jenny in a classroom, telling the headmaster something. He could make out the words that they were trying to say, and they appeared to be making up a bogus story where Kane did something wrong! I moved through the vents, unsure if they noticed me when I came across an old storage room. Before he jumped down, he decides to rest for an hour, to let the attention die down.

1 Hour Later

Kane removed a grate and jumped down to a storage area, one that was abandoned for some time, which made it a great area to find scraps of wires and materials. The lights were out, leaving the area in total darkness. He picked out some wires, transistors, and many more before turning to head out, only to hear three familiar voices. Immediately, he hid behind a crate and looked in the reflection of a metallic sheet of metal. Jenny and Peter were guarding the exit, and Dan was looking for something, which was probably Kane. The fact that the power was cutoff to the area was a advantage for himHe carefully closed the crate, temporarily sealing himself inside. Kane activated his high-beam eyes, which shone a blue light in the box. Kane would have started working on his signal imitation device, but his vision started filling with tears. Kane was too tired to keep running from them. Silently, he let it all out, thoughts and all. His composure soon regained itself and started thinking. He continued with his plan, and started modifying his copier to make it foolproof. After a ton of plugging in unfamiliar connectors to other ones, it was complete. He checked his internal clock, only to see that it was 7:00. He still heard Dan pacing outside his crate, and decided to sleep in the crate for the time being. He set his alarm to 2:30, and fell asleep, the day already gone during him planning his demise.

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