Chapter Sixteen: The (Disastrous) Infiltration

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2K READS! Thank you all so much for still reading this far into this story! As always, happy reading!

Kane POV

Please tell me this power outage was not caused by the drones and Stacey...


We just caused a power outage! I immediately told Stacey to get the power back on, which she did, continuing the lesson. After a bit, Kane went to his new locker and grabbed his stuff. He was soon approached by two female workers, who were not the ones we saw. Kane was soon being followed by them until he reached a dead-end at a deserted section of the school. Due to Stacey's hacking skills, we could control the lights anywhere in the colony, which turned out to be useful. As the girls closed in on Kane, clearly intent on harming him, we shut the lights out, and L silently dropped down. She exposed her wings, switched her hands for claws, and placed her claws on the shoulders of the girls. I could tell that L enjoyed seeing them scream their voice boxes out. In an instant, Kane tapped them on the shoulder before being picked up by me, scaring them even more. L soon retreated into the vent, and the lights were back on.

"The school is probably going to suspect I had something to do with this. Also, if you see them again, I'll allow you to drink them dry." Kane figured as he jumped down into an empty classroom, and booked it across the school to his history class. The class that Kane loved, but was unexcited about since his history class were the few that saw Kane's history video. The one L and G starred in, with glee.

"Alright, class..." started the teacher, before noticing Kane. "Let's turn our textbooks to page 105." The class did so, as well as Kane before he noticed something.

"Quick question, did we get new textbooks?" Kane inquired, with the teacher nearly confirming his suspicions.

Kane slowly opened the textbook, not noticing the whole class looking at his facial expression. His CPU nearly forced a forced shut down when he saw page 105. It was the start of Chapter 15, which detailed 'how a worker drone established the first non-violent contact with a murder drone'. Stacey looked shocked, as did L. A and G immediately knew that this had to be about Kane, as it could not be about anyone else. Kane looked like he had a spark in his processors and started laughing.

"This is one of the GREATEST pranks ever! Now, where is the real textbook!" Kane asked the teacher, who responded that this was happening. Kane's expression turned terrified before he flipped the page. The first word on the page that he noticed was 'Kane'.


Since my optics were more refined, I started transcribing the contents of the textbook. The book mostly hailed Kane as a hero for finding out everything about the murder drones, giving them a chance to fight back. Kane read more into the textbook, faking being happy when he was horrified at what could happen to his only friends. Soon, history class ended, and Kane headed over to his next class, which was supposed to be L.A., but was instead a class called 'defence class'. They taught everyone how to make weapons to defend against murder drones. Their new project was to build a weapon that can take down a murder drone. The class soon ended, and Kane essentially bolted to his house, us following him, sensing that something was wrong. He soon arrived home, us crawling out of the vent. Kane looked like he was about to catch fire, his fans beyond overclocking.

"Hey Kane, are you alright?" A asked, sitting down beside him.

"No, I just found out that people are developing weapons to kill my only friends in my entire life. All because of a history video!" Kane replied, his composure wavering.

"Don't worry. They don't know that the models out there can regenerate. They also do not know that we are here." I replied, sitting down on the other side of him.

"Yeah, but what if they find out? You heard what they said. You heard that they are doing this to 'spite that one drone!'" Kane countered, his confidence running low. "The few people that cared about me are in danger, all because of me!"

That was when Kane remembered Stacey. She was sitting there, speechless about what was happening. What would happen if the drones got to her?! The representation of the company that put them in the prison!?

Kane's composure shattered completely, and digital tears overflowed his visor. He was pulled into a hug by L, her wings enclosing Kane as he sobbed into her coat. Soon, everyone else's composure started to falter, and they all sat down.

Their group sadness was interrupted by the ringing of a doorbell, with A sneaking over to check the window.

"It's our dinner! Can we let it in?" A yelled.

"What do you mean it's our din- oh wait, I remember. Yeah let them in, but make sure y'all hide." Kane replied, smiling grimly.

He walked over and opened the door, the two girls beside it barging in. The others were already in the ducts and were waiting for the right time.

"I demand to know what happened in school today!" one of the girls shouted.

"What do you mean?" Kane asked, baiting them closer to the vents.

"The murder drones! We know that they were in the school!" the other girl shouted. They were finally in the right place, and A and L quickly grabbed them and pulled them into the vents. The screams could be heard through the entire colony, which cheered Kane up for some reason. Soon, their dead bodies dropped down into the basement, completely dry. Kane put them to rest by putting them in crates, and then hiding the crates behind more crates. He knew that they now had limited time, and they needed to act fast, before anyone found out about what happened here. Luckily for them, Kane knew the two that could help them out.

That One Worker Droneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن