"I-- uhm, well.." she stammered, unable to come up with a lie.

"Alright, Sharon, cut the crap. Is Steve in there?" I jeered, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well--," she shrugged.

"Morning, Wanda." Steve blurted, coming out of her room with just a towel around his waist.

"Yeah, morning." I smirked, with both of my eyebrows raised.

"Well, now that we're all acquainted, I'm gonna go get dressed." Sharon mumbled, going back to her room.

"So," I began. "It looks like she liked your lasagna a little too much." I teased.

"Well, it's about time. You know how long has it been." he smiled as he slipped into his jeans.

"Well, I don't know. You seem to be the leading authority for waiting too long, so you tell me." I laughed.

"Right." he chuckled. "Well, I have to go. Got some errands to run." he added and I just nodded in response.

He approached Sharon as she got out of her room and kissed her on the lips then her forehead before taking his shirt that she was holding. He slipped it on and said goodbye to the both of us. When he was gone, Sharon pretended like nothing happened by walking to the kitchen to grab some water but I had the widest grin plastered on my face.

"So," I began. "You've been busy." I implied.

"Yeah, well. So are you." she countered.

"Yeah, but I wasn't the one who just got out of a breakup." I gloated.

"Whatever, Wands. Just be happy for me." she whined.

"I'm just giving you a hard time. But I really am happy for you. I like him way better than your ex. Steve is.." I paused for a second to look for the word before continuing, "A gentleman. There. He's a gentleman."

"He is, isn't he?" she giggled.

"Yeap. Well, I gotta rest. I have work tomorrow. Clean this up, will you? Oh and... please, please make sure you disinfect the areas you had sex on." I ridiculed before making my way to my room.


This is the first time in a long time that I am woken up by an alarm. I would get mad but the first thing I saw after turning my alarm off was Nat's name on my lock screen. A smile was able to make its way to my lips as I sat up from my bed.


Natasha: The first meeting today is done. I think we're getting there. Is my angel awake already? 🥰

Me: i just woke up. have to get ready for work. i miss you. 🥺

Natasha: I miss you too. Stop sending me pouty emojis because I can imagine how you look like and I might just cave. 😩

Me: stop. you don't have to. i just miss you. now, get some rest. i have to take a shower. ❤

Natasha: Yes, ma'am 😉


I then made my way to the bathroom so I can take a shower and get ready for the day. I put on my uniform and looked into the mirror. I haven't worn this in months since I lost Pietro and the thought of it saddens me. I was at work when I got the call, wearing this exact same uniform as always. I couldn't answer the call because I was taking down notes for my boss during a meeting and had to call back after an hour only to find out that he's gone.

I didn't notice the tears running down my cheeks after mentally reliving the pain and sadness that day has reminded me of. Pietro is annoying most of the time but he's the best twin brother anyone could ask for. A brother who always looked out for me when our parents couldn't. He was always there for me and it still hurts so much to know that he's no longer here.

"Wanda? My car broke down so I was wondering if I could ride with you to wo--," she paused when she realized that I was crying. "Shit. Honey, what happened?" she consoled.

"I miss P-Pietro." I sobbed.

Sharon knows that whenever I fall apart in heartbreak and pain, no words would be able to comfort me. So she walked into my room and hugged me instead. Which is the best and only thing she can do to help me right now.

"Thank you." I sniffled, tears still streaming down my eyes.

"No problem. Do you want to skip work instead if this is too much for you?" she softly asked.

"No. If I do, I'll just end up in a mental breakdown on my own." I implied.

"Okay, well. I'll be the one to drive us to work then. I'm gonna take your keys and you fix your make up, okay?" she checked.

All I could do is nod because I lost the strength to respond. Right now is the best time for me to be wrapped around Nat's arms but I know that's not possible so I just really have to go through this on my own as planned.

On the ride to work, I decided to send a text to Nat because I could really use even just a little bit of comfort from her.


Me: today is gonna be a hard one. apart from you being away, this morning, i had a recollection of my brother's death. i just wanted to be cuddled next to you. 😔

Natasha: Damn. Is there anything I could do? I am genuinely worried. Do you want me to come home? 🥺

Me: don't be silly. my roommate, sharon was there, so i guess it's okay. don't worry too much about me. focus on getting that contract signed so you'd be home soon, okay? ❤

Natasha: You bet. This one's for you. I have to attend a dinner event with them. Are you sure that you'll be okay? I mean, I could call you, you know.

Me: sharon and i are actually on our way to work. have to keep my mind occupied. go get ready for that dinner event, you take care. ❤

Natasha: You too, my angel. 😇 Text me ANYTIME if you need anything. ❤😘

Me: you know i will 😘

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