"Noted." Lex said, stopping at the lobby before they entered the room.

"By the way, I got your email, Dr. Michaelakis. You had a query about our ability to maintain quantum coherence at room temperature without the use of dilution, refrigerators, or error correction. Do you care to elucidate?" he asked, trying to get her to elaborate.

"Right." Damian said giving Marinette time to think of something.

"Yeah." Marinette said trying to think of something to say next

"Yes, I did send that email." she started

"The other day, I saw you." Lex said, trying to remember where they had seen each other.

"I did, I sent it. So what gives? I'm sorry, what gives..." Marinette said

"I wonder what she's trying to say..." Damian tried to explain but only to be interrupted.

"Actually, the grown-ups are having a meeting, Buffy." Marinette said.

"Okay." he said, hiding his annoyance.

"If you'll hold on to that." she said handing him the piece of gum she had been chewing before
"Yeah, sure, Doctor." he said, trying to ignore the other boys snickering at what was happening.

"Thank you." Marinette said before turning her attention back to Lex Luthor

"Now, every seventh grader, even the dumb ones, know the second law of thermodynamics. 'All ordered systems tend toward disorder.' Disorder! So I'm going to ask you one more time, sir, what gives?" she asked, looking at Lex directly.

"Well, it's actually topological quantum order. The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level. So that is, in fact, what gives." he explained to the group

"Thank you." she said taking off her jacket revealing her outfit and tossing Lex her jacket before walking in through the
There outfits

Daimian walked through but the alarm went off and all the security went to him and reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry. My wallet." Damian said to a security guard.

"The stick's metal. How are we going to get it out?" Jason whispered to Dick

"Yeah. I don't know." he replied

"This is the housing. 820 million qubit miles of digi-synaptic resonance. But of course, what sets us apart from anything else on the planet is the processor, which we playfully refer to as the Magic Broomstick." Lex said showing them the machine

"The Broomstick?" Marinette asked curious to what the name ment.

"Has the power to clear the contents of any computing system on the planet and then magically sweep them into your bin." He explained

"Oh! Broomstick. That's funny" Marinette said.

"Take a look, vet it however you'd like, and tell Bruce we'll be taking bids on Monday."

"Thank you." Marinette said looking around

"Oh, my God." Dick began sneezing again and again.

"I must be allergic to something in here." Dick said

"What could you possibly be allergic to in here? This room is hermetically sealed."  Lex said, confused.

"That's it. I'm allergic to hermetic seals." Dick said sneezing again

"If we could get him away from the computer, please." Everyone moved away from the computer, as they were moving Marinette slipped her hair clip and handed it to Jason who slipped under the side of the machine and grabben the chip.

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now