Chapter 27 - How Come

Start from the beginning

Dee: Woo, seems interesting.

Nurul: I met Zambri gais(guys) yesterday at my workplace. He works in the same department as me. I was crazily shocked when he appeared in front of me so sudden tho.

Aifaa: Wait, what??? Really??! You follow him, huh? Jk jk.

Nurul: What for? I work with my father la. Hahahahah.

Aifaa: You're working already? Where? How come I didn't know?

Dee: Are you completely healed?

Nurul: I know you're worried about me but I don't wanna stay at home anymore. Boring la. I work at an automotive factory and yesterday was my 1st day. And now you know, Aifaa. I almost healed too. Thank you for your concern, Dee.

Aifaa: Take care of your health. Don't forget to eat and be healthy. You are way too thin now.

Dee: Take good care of yourself. About Zambri I think he wanna see you because last time you left him without a word when he wanna meet you.

Nurul: I will. Don't worry guys. I didn't finish my story yet, btw. Wehhhhhhhhh Dee, it's not my fault. It's Aifaa. She's the one prevent me from meeting him.

Dee: Ah, hahaha. Sorry, sorry. So what happens next?

Aifaa: Ya Allah, I thought you're done gossiping. Hahaha. Well, I know he had something in his mind and he looks harmful that time.

Dee: You asked her tons of questions, brat! How she wanna continue like that!

Aifaa: Oh, me? Hehe sorry, Nurul.

Nurul: HAHAHAHAHA. ENOUGH. Okay, I'll continue. He suddenly wanna talk to me. I was contemplating at 1st yet accepted it as there was no people around. Hahaha. Then, he confessed he likes me and Idk what to do weh after.

Aifaa: Don't trust him easily. He's troublesome and roguish just like Badri. You know that, right?

Nurul: Yeah, I know.

Aifaa: If he plays with your feelings, he's going to be a dead meat. But you guys look like a sweet couple tho. What if he's your mate? Oh, oh!

Dee: Well, just pray for her la. Wish he serves you better after this.

Nurul: What are guys talking about? Don't make me curse. And I didn't even make any decisions yet, okay. YET. Fullstop.

Aifaa: Who knows, right Dee? Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle peewitttttt(catcalling)

Dee: Yup, Aifaa is right. Btw guys, I have to go now.

Aifaa: Go where?

Nurul: Ya Allah, I nearly got a mental breakdown treating you guys. Heh. Alaaaaaa(whining), where to?

Dee: I have a night shift today so bye.

Aifaa: Aw, so early? Goodbye anyway. Take care weh!

Nurul: See you when I see you. Happy working weh!

Aifaa: I have gossip too.

Nurul: About who? Ha! Badri, eh?

Aifaa: Yeah, Badri. Same situation as you but a shade scary.

Nurul: Scary? Why? Something horrible happens?

Aifaa: He's nowhere to be found and all of a sudden resigned.

Nurul: Whut??! Why did he resign?

Aifaa: No one knows why. He didn't tell anybody.

Nurul: Woo, weird. Maybe his parent is sick? Or he found a better job, I guess?

Aifaa: He picked a fight with me days ago before he resigns but that's not the case. I guess maybe you're right. It's peaceful after he left, however. Alhamdulillah, I feel blessed.

Nurul: Are you sure you're not missing him? Huh? Frankly saying, you guys look like an old married couple.


There was an eerie silence all over her room and the other rooms were also peaceful and quiet. Frogs with their ribbit sound and crickets with their krik krik sound were the only things audible in her ears at the moment. Dogs also barking not long after that sent a shiver down her spine. Spooky. Creepy. Hair-raising. 'Why now, dogs? Why? It's tranquil just now. Why are you spoiling my moment?' She closed her peepers while managing herself to subdue. "Diam(shut up) please! Go away! Make noise somewhere else la!" She muttered.

She shortly switched off her phone and charged it. Not wanting to experience horrific stuff again, no more. Please. The ribbit, krik krik and woof sounds were getting closer and closer. She was getting frightened; accordingly, made up her mind to get her head down no matter what. Not care if Aifaa is going to be mad because she did not reply to her text back. Being a scaredy-cat does not help her at this point. Gladly, the USB she used for her phone will uncharge by itself when the battery is already full thus she did not worry about it. She slumbered after a few minutes of shutting her eyes. Going nowhere, come what may.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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