Chapter 7 - How She Know

Start from the beginning

1 hour later

[2 messages from Aifaa]

Aifaa | 12.15 pm

Salam, Dee

I wanna ask you something so answer me, okay?

Dee | 12.18 pm


About what?

Aifaa | 12.19 pm

How to be strong like you? 

I mean... 

I'm tired every time I met Badri

He always teased me

I don't like it and I wanna avoid people like him in the future

 Aifaa | 12.20 pm


Where are you? 




Where are you???

She just finished drinking after 10 minutes stepped from her room to the kitchen and went to her room back not long after. She picked up her phone and saw many messages in the notification. "What the... father. I left her for just 10 minutes and now she spamming me? Ya Allah, she even... What's wrong with her?!! Ey! This girl..." She muttered, shaking her head and quickly typing.

Dee | 12.30 pm

I'm here

Not going anywhere

What's wrong with you

I went to the kitchen to drink

So impatient eh

Dee | 12.32 pm


About Badri

You know

I'm not strong like what you think

But you must keep in your mind to stay calm

Don't serve people like him as they will eventually stop

Make yourself busy with anything but him

He didn't deserve your attention, Aifaa

You know your time is precious

She advised her and at the same time giggled as she thought they were cute when they were bickering as they look like an old married couple. On the other hand, Aifaa was fed up with her back teeth with him. "Thank you, my gurl! You're really helping me ease my worries. Muahhh a little" Aifaa sent with a grin n her face. "Hahaha. Welcome, my pleasure" Dee replied while being upright. She moved to her bed and laid till her eyes shut by themselves before zuhr prayer.


Nurul POV

(Continue earlier conversation)

"Please, don't. I hate medicine. Even just looking at it makes my mood swing. I also felt my energy easily drain lately since that day" She typed while making an 'ew disgusting' face the moment Dee mentioned medicines. It was bitter! Her face also paled as she stared at a mirror near her bed.

"You had dinner?" Dee asked.

"Yes, it's already thirty-one past eight. Of course, I had just now" She replied while smiling.

"Who knows if you don't have an appetite to eat. By the way, I wanna ask about Z" Dee suddenly mentioned Zambri.

"Zambri? What about him?" She asked and knitted her brows. Unexpected.

"Are you guys..." Dee sent a sceptical text and she knew what Dee meant. She quickly typed.

"Dee, we're not. I have nothing to do with him" She replied and rolled her eyeballs. Why did Dee ask about him all of a sudden?

"Okay, okay. I'm just joking" Dee immediately sent.

"It's not funny, okay" She was somewhat serious but trying to compose herself.

"I'm sorry... Don't be mad. But aren't you close with him before?" Dee began to queried.

"Yes, we are close but that was then. He changed after months and I don't know why" She told further. She wanted to know the reason but forcing him would just make things worse.

"Weird... How come??? I thought you guys were on good terms even not talking much like before" Dee sent. She could see Dee's shocking front even though she was not beside her.

"He still talks to me but ya... He became distant and WILL talk with me ONLY when he HAS to" She described. Pathetic.

"It's been 2 years and I thought you were hiding your relationship with him like a confidential relationship... Where nobody should know about it including your best friends and parents too" Dee showed her thoughts all this while. It was a piece of appalling news to her.

"No way and I won't, Dee... I wanna know too why... And until now I still don't understand. He should have just told me the reason but I'm too lazy to care. And besides, I have you and Aifaa who are much more important than him" She replied with a genuine certainty. Affectionate.

"Whoa, unbelievable. 2 years Nurul, 2 YEARS... I'm your best friend but I don't even know such a thing" Dee was still beyond belief. Speechless.

"It's not important, Dee. It's already in the past. If he didn't wanna tell me then who the f*ck cares" She was furious in some way every time she recalled the past, especially about him. She did not mad at Dee but contrariwise.

"Woah, okay okay. Then... Rest well, barmy. Sorry for disturbing you and take care, bro. Don't forget to EAT your medicine as well as good night!" Dee decided to stop messaging her as she by some means realised they were texting non-stop and might be butt in on with her business.

"Nah, you don't. I will eat, shorty. Don't worry HAHAHA you too be safe! Good night as well!" She gently grinned ear to ear and sent Dee the last text for the day. It was time for her to get her beauty sleep. Goodbye, world.

Without Nurul's cognizance, she actually puked vital fluid not coughed blood. She was confused yet believed what the doctor told her. She was mistaken. Not the doctor's fault albeit did tests and such. But nobody knows. She relied on the information as the doctor spoke. Facts. In the doctor she has faith.

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