Chapter Thirty Eight (.5)

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"Stop! Fucking stop! Don't you ever fucking finish that sentence!" Justin shouted madly that I bit my bottom lip. My throat constricting from the pain I'm feeling.

Silence filled between us until he decided to speak. "But you said you love me..." he whispered into thin air. It was as if he was telling that more to his self. "How..."

"Maybe I got tired." I whispered. "Maybe I got tired of wishing that maybe someday, you'll return it too. Maybe I got tired of waiting for something that was never even there. Maybe I got tired of all the hurting." I paused when I felt a tear streamed down my face. I quickly wiped it. "There's only too much that my heart could endure. This..." I said as I touched my chest, over my heart. " too weak. It's not strong as you think it is Justin."

"Don't do this to me." He whispered back, never meeting my eyes. "Fuck. Don't do this Andrea."

"Don't be selfish---"

"What if I want to be selfish?!" He countered.

"You want to be selfish? Fine." His eyes met mine the moment I spoke. "Be selfish Justin." I paused as I tried to take what's left of my will power and strength to continue this talk between Justin and I. "But do you want to hurt Selena even more?" At the mere mention of the name, his eyes widened in surprise. "How about the baby? Do you want to hurt your child?"


I couldn't take back the tears even if I wanted to so I just let them be. "How about me Justin? Where do you want me to stand? Do you want me to wait for you as you go and take care of her? Do you want me to be a good wife and just stay throughout everything?" I sniffed. "Because I already did Justin. I already did for the past three years."

"Andi I didn't mean---"

"Until when were you planning to tell me Justin? Were you even planning to tell me?"

He looked at me, all the madness in his eyes were gone and was replaced by guilt and remorse. "I- I wanted to tell you. God knows I did. But I was scared. I was afraid that you'd... that you'd leave me."

I glanced away from him. "And you're right."

"Andi. Please."

"What Justin?! Do you want me to stay even after everything?! Can't you see...?" I smeared away the tears that blocked my sight. "We were never really made for each other. There are lots of reasons why we shouldn't stay with one another!"

"I'm sorry Andi." His voice came out in a whisper yet it echoed throughout the house. His tone was full of surrender and guilt, it was as if he knew he's going to lose something so important and he couldn't do anything now to save and keep it.

"No. I'm sorry Justin." I started. "I'm sorry I forced you in this marriage. Everything would've never happened if I wasn't being a selfish person. I should've been a good friend and just cheered you on. If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't end like this. You should've been happy with someone you love. You should've been falling freely like a normal teenager should be. And I took that away. Maybe if I didn't control everything, you would and still love Selena."

"What do you mean?" His eyebrows met halfway.

"I... I was the reason she broke up with you. I threatened her." I bit my bottom lip. "You must hate me. I wouldn't hold it against you. I understand."

"I...No. I don't hate you Andi. I never did." I gazed at him. He offered me a small sad smile. "I was mad. Yes. But I never hated you Andi. Not once. You're my friend. Closest one." He paused. "And you were my wife." I sighed as tears suddenly spilled again. Were. Past. I am now Justin's past. I felt my heart clenched at the thought.

Shakily, I made my way towards him as I took my necklace away --- the necklace where my ring was placed upon. As soon as we were a few inches away, I stopped in front of him. I saw Justin clenched his jaw as he watched me. Holding his left hand, I put the chain in his palm.

"Give this to the girl you want to spend forever with. Give this to her with your own free will; no one telling you whether you'll marry her or not." When I met his eyes, I was taken aback as I saw tears spilling from them. "Justin." I whispered.

"What if I wanted to give this back to her?"

I gritted my teeth and shook my head. "It's too late now." I took a step back. "You loved Selena once. You'll love her again."

"What about you? Are you going to be with Jacques?"

I glanced away. "I have to go."

"W-wait. Y-you're going? Now?" He started to panic that I felt my heart constricted with the pain.

"I don't have my things in here anymore." I said. It was true. I asked Aruella to get my things this noon. I just thought she'd wait for me here.

"Andrea!" Justin yelled. "Fuck! B-but you don't need to m-move out. I'll... I'll be the one---"

"It's okay Justin. Dad's house is spacious." I watched as his hands formed into tight fists. "I have to go." I turned my back to him and started to make my way out the door but he called me.

"Does... does Anthony knows?"

I stopped but didn't face him. "Yes. Dad knows."

"Can't I make you stay? Even just for tonight?" His voice pleading that I closed my eyes. You have to go now Andi. You should.

"I have to go." I reiterated, taking a few steps and opened the door.

"Andi. This is your house too."

"This... is not my home anymore Justin." With that, I made my way outside and shut the door. As soon as the cold wind embraced me I let my tears streamed down my cheeks. I heard a simultaneous crash, breaking of things, as it hits the wall inside the house. I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep sigh.

You can't go back there Andi. You have to go. Now!

As I opened my eyes, the smashing of glasses didn't stop but as little determination that I had, I walked away with a shattered heart. I have to let go now. I shouldn't stay anymore. It's over.

Goodbye Justin. Maybe, just maybe, until then.


A.N. Won't be adding stuff from here on so I might re upload the last chapters. The story is up until Chapter 50, has two ending chapters and then the epilogue.

I 'might' add a special chapter but eh, I'm still thinking about it haha

His Hidden Wife (A Justin Bieber Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ