| Chapter two |

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< Amelia >

Its been four hours since I started and I already regret leaving the CIA. All I did was get my badge and gun and that is it. My first day of CIA was so busy I had three cases I already had to solve by the end of my first week.

I look at the clock for the millionth time since I got here and every time it feels like time is going slower and slower every time I look at it. I'm wishing any kind of case comes are way even just a stupid case like unpaid parking tickets and we have to track the person down. I just can't sit like this all day long I like to be kept on my toes and not cooped up all the day at a desk.

" So tell us something about you" Kevin said looking my way. Everyone else was interested in the conversation starting up so they turned the attention on me.

" like what?" I asked trying to think of something to say about myself.

" Anything we are all stuck here bored so you could honestly tell us about your life story if you wanted to" Adam butted in.

" Well I worked for the CIA since I was in college. I have my masters in forensics science. I also speaks  four different languages not including English" I said keeping it short.

" Wha-" Kevin was cut off my Voight walking out of his office in a fast manner.

" Sixteen year old girl shot dead at a local restaurant" Voight said. Everyone started to put on the coats and taking there guns out of the drawer and walking behind Voight.

" Grad you stuff your riding with me" Jay said while putting his gun in his holster.

I quickly put on my coat and didn't have to worry about my gun since I already had in my holster next to my badge.

I follow Jay right behind him as he walked down the stairs into the parking lot. He walked over to a black dodge and got into the driver seat while I got in the passenger seat.

We followed beyond the rest of the group as they beat us to there cars first.

We sat in silence the whole way to the crime scene. It only took twenty minutes to arrive but it was the longest twenty minutes of my life.

We walked into a little cafe many detective  were already on scene examining the cafe from head to toe. Voight walked over to the were the girls body was covered with a sheet.

He pulled the sheet back to see a teenage girl with black hair and brown eyes with a gunshot wound between her eyes.

" Poor girl" Kim said looking over the body with the rest of us. Something seemed off about her it was like she knew the victim. It could also just be my imagination playing trick on me.

I brushed off that thought as I put on gloves to examine the victim. I examined the gunshot wound closely it looked like maybe a 45 caliper killed her. It also looks like it was from close range so she must of known her killer.

" Alright Walker and Halstead you go take statement and find out who shot this girl" me and Jay nodded at the same time walking out of the cafe. I took off my gloves and threw them in the trash can that was next to the door outside.

I walked over to the many people standing behind the yellow tape. Many were eating in the restaurant when the girl was killed so maybe someone seen something or know who we are looking for.

" Did anyone see anything that happened " Jay asked around but no one came forward. " Please we're trying to catch this guy who killed an innocent child" he pleaded but no response.

" Why aren't they talking" I whispered into Jay ear as we turned around to walk back inside.

" They don't want to be murdered for speaking to the cops which mean are murder is a gang member he has inspired fear into the these people who every he is and that why they won't talk. They are afraid".

Great this case just took a turn for the worst. Dealing with gang members is hard especially to arrest them and charge them with a crime is hard.

They always have people on the inside  working the system which helped them get off so easily. I have had my first shares running into gang members in the past but this time something feels off about this case.
Very off....


Hey readers,

Here is the second chapter of " CHICAGO PD":)
I hoped your guys enjoyed it.

This chapter is a little short again but it just wanted to publish another chapter as soon as possible. The next chapters will be very long so they will take a little longer for me to publish.


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