Just life as Boring

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What would probably happen if the chaotic squad watched horror movies late at night

3:am at the CC house... Watching literally any horror movie

Perla: *Not interested*
Maddy: *Gets spooked easily*
Susan: *Jumps a little*
Elder:*Shrugs it out but in reality is peeing their pants* (lol)

Elder: This ain't even scary. *In mind* I WANT MY MOMMY!*

Perla: *Jumpscare* Sits farther away from Tv. *Gives off Doki Doki vibes*

Susan:*Currently hugging Elder*

Maddy: *Hugs a pillow for protection*
Maddy: Okay, who's idea was this?

All 3 of us: Yours.

Maddy *insert loading bar*

Perla: Can we watch anime now?

Susan: We watched anime yesterday and earlier today too!

Elder: This is better *Wants to actually watch anime instead*

(Perla is currently dragging Elder, until he gives me tacos)

*Jumpscare happens unexpectedly*


Elder: *passes out*

Susan: *Lays on the ground covering eyes*

Maddy: *Under the covers shivering*

Perla:*Trying to change the movie to anime*

Maddy and Elder: NO MORE!

Susan: We haven't even finished the entire movie!



Perla: Dang it! I was so close. ;-;

Susan: There's about 30 minutes. We can do this!

Perla: I can watch about 2 episodes ;-;

Movie finishes

Elder and Maddy: *Unable to move*

Susan: Spooked out

Perla: instantly changes it to anime

(ngl, i wanna insert "Cry baby" lyrics in Japanese.)

Susan: Time for bed! *punches Perla*

Perla: *Gets knocked out*

*insert loud audio noises*

Perla gets dragged into her own room.

Susan: You know what, I'm staying here. I'm too scared to sleep in my own room.

Maddy: *wispers* Perla! Perla, where's Susan?

Perla: *Still knocked out*

Susan: Hi. *Instantly starts laughing*

Maddy: I was looking for you. I'm scared to sleep alone. I brought Elder too

Elder: Hi

Susan: Bruh

Elder looks around Perla's room

Elder: So messy...

Susan and Maddy: I know...

Susan: Moves Perla

Elder: WHere am I going to sleep?

Perla: On the floor
Elder: What the? Weren't you dead?

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