Chapter 6

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A week had passed since Phil had gone to Investigate New L'manburg. Techno had hoped that he was gathering plenty of information.

Techno was just chilling at home, in front of a fireplace reading a book when he heard a tap on the window. He thought it was nothing but not even half a minute later he heard it again. He sighed loudly and unwillingly stood up to see what was going on.

He pulled back the curtain to reveal a crow. Techno knew that Phil liked to send messages using his Crows. Phil had said that they called him the "Crow Father". This crow had rolled up sheet of paper tied to its ankle.

He untied the sheet of paper from the Crows leg and opened it up. It read:

Dear Techno,

The residents of New L'manburg has created an Army called the "Butcher Army". They came to interrogate me to find your whereabouts. Do you remember that Compass that Ghostbur gave us? Well, they found it while rummaging through my stuff. They put me under house arrest for not telling them where you were. Quackity told me that they were going to put you on trial for spawning those Withers at the Manburg VS Pogtopia War. However I think they've already made their decision with what they would do with you. They have already built the execution stand. They are coming to you right now, be prepared, I have a feeling this might not work out for us very well.

From your Dearest Friend, Phil

This came as a surprise to Techno. The Butcher army could be anywhere right now. He had to act fast or he might not make it out alive. He started brewing potions and Gearing up. He pulled a Totem of Undying out of his Enderchest and put it in his pockets. 

I'm so un-prepared for this, they could be here any minute! Techno heard a knock on the door and he froze in his tracks. They can't be here already, Surely! Techno peered out of the window to find a Ghost he knew so well. He was relieved the Butcher Army wasn't here yet. He opened the door to greet Ghostbur.

"H-Hey Techno!"

"Ghostbur this is a terrible time"

"Wh- Why what's wrong?"

"Ghostbur, I'm a bit busy right now!"

"Can I help?"

"How good are you at Violence?"

"Oh, Here have some blue, Calm youself"

The Ghost gave Techno some blue, which he stored in his pockets. He was trying to rush himself, He was making potions and glancing out of the window every few seconds.

"Look! Techno a Blue sheep! It's a sign!"

"Look Ghostbur, I want you to take that sheep and take it as far away as possible from here, go hide behind a hill or something!"

Ghostbur left, taking the blue sheep with him. A few minutes later Ghostbur re-appeared. He was with the Butcher Army. The Butcher Army all had Diamond Axes. Ghostbur waved in his direction, basically telling the Army trying to kill him his location. 

Techno sighed loudly, still rushing around his house. Ghostbur came into the house.

"Techno, these men are looking for you, what should I say?"

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