Chapter 4

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Phil was the most majestic thing Techno had ever seen, apart from Dream, who he was catching feelings for.

Philza's POV

He had found himself staring at this pink-haired pig while walking to the election. Techno had the most beautiful crimson eyes he'd ever seen. Techno. His name was Technoblade. Dream had introduced him to me. Dream said that we would be good friends someday. 

I had to go along with it, I hadn't ever seen this boy before. Dream had told him he was alone when he had found Techno. I've always needed a friend.. it just seemed too good to be true. There had to be a catch somewhere. 

"So, uh.. whats your opinion on Dream?" Phil asked, curious to know as when Dream had found him Techno was bright red in the cheeks. 

"He- He's the best thing I've ever seen.. I-'ve never seen someone so perfect before.." Techno stammered, clearly not thinking straight as all that Phil guessed was on his mind, was Dream.

"Ah, I see you have a crush on him. How romantic~" 

"Shut up!"

Phil liked this boy when he was flustered and stammering. He was, Phil admitted, kinda cute. He decided to tease him about him having a crush on Dream the whole walk to the election.

I should get Dream to like Techno, just to made him happy because if we were to be friends he'd probably be down on his knees thanking me. 

"Hey Techno, we're nearly at the election."

Techno POV

Phil had teased him about him having a crush on Dream on the way to the 'Formal Election'. When they arrived they sat down in two available seats. Techno had already become highly stacked with items, armour, weapons and other random items. 

Phil was saying earlier how he was very resourceful. 

All the L'manburg men + women were voting for Wilbur Soot, The former leader of L'manburg. They were so enthusiastic because it seemed like Wilbur would win. 

After 5 minutes, only two people had to vote. Eret (who was a traitor to L'manburg) voted for Jschlatt, the supposed leader of "Manburg" he liked to call it. It was now equal votes. However Techno hasn't voted yet. 

"C'mon Techno! Vote for Wilbur! Pretty Please?" Yelled Tommy. He didn't seem very happy Techno was taking his time.

"This is ridiculous! Techno, make your vote NOW!" someone he hadn't met yet yelled at him. Techno didn't like peer pressure. That what it felt like to him. He closed his eyes and voted someone random. 

He opened his eyes and found his vote had landed on Jschlatt. The L'manburg folks groaned loudly as they hadn't won the election.

"And the moment you've all been waiting for!" Yelled Dream enthusiastically. "By a one vote difference, MANBURG WINS!"

Dream walked over to Jschlatt and raised his hand into the air. The men against L'manburg cheered loudly. Eret didn't join in with the men cheering because if he did he would be giviing himself away.

"I have a few things to say.." Jschlatt shouted into the microphone, smiling.

"My first decree, as the President... of L'manburg, is to REVOKE, WILBUR SOOT AND TOMMYINNIT." 

Techno was sitting there, he didn't know much about what was going on.

"WHAT?! Wilbur surely he can't-" Tommy shouted

"Tommy- Tommy we need to get out of here."

Tommy and Wilbur ran off, as far as they could from the Election.

A few days later, Techno was wandering around the Greater Dream SMP when Tommy approached him. 

"Techno! Techno, we need your help! Do you want to join Pogtopia?" Tommy asked in an angry tone.

"Uhh, what would I get out of this?" Techno asked. He didn't know what to do and was just roaming around.

"Wilbur will give you blue gems! Shiny blue gems!"

"Don't you mean diamonds?"

"Yea, diamonds."

"Alright, count me in." 

Tommy started walking off. Techno followed suit. After 10 minutes of walking they approached a small hill. Tommy started digging it up to reveal 'Pogtopia'.

"Theres a staircase that leads to a ravine"

"Alright, Sweet."

Techno walked down the staircase and entered Wilbur and Tommy's Humble Abode. He saw they had tried to decorate it very well. 


A few weeks had past and Techno found that he had quickly adjusted to life under the ground from life as a Prince. He hadn't told anyone that he was a Prince. He'd figured that they didn't need to know about his past.. just yet anyways.

Eret had told the past L'manburg that he had been a Traitor the whole time. After he had admitted the truth to his comrades, he wasn't treated very nicely and was kicked out.

Techno was preparing for revolution. He had his potato farm and a base full of gear for the past L'manburg. All he wanted was L'manburg to be destroyed. He was a huge fan of anti-government. 

Techno had gathered the whole of the past L'manburg and showed them his base. He was preparing for war.

The King's POV

(Warning: Mention of taking life, abusive names and mention of death)

It had been almost a year since his Son had escaped his 'prison'. It had been almost a year since his daughter had been killed by that mistake. He kinda regretted the punishments he gave the 'mistake'. He wanted his son back. 

Ever since his son had escaped the castle, his wife had been devastated. His wife took her life a few months ago. 

He was alone, with nothing. He was riding high for 13 years. He could've had it all. He had everything he'd ever wanted. Now.. He had nothing. He regretted everything. He blamed himself. His guards has not  found his son yet. 

He wished he had everything back. They had missing and wanted pictures of his son everywhere. However nobody could seem to find him. He was starting to think he was dead.

The thoughts of his only member of family could possibly be dead scared him and made a few tears descend down his face.

He didn't have anyone to take other the throne when he would die. He didn't want a two measly peasants take over his precious throne. He wanted someone of blood to take the throne. 

Techno's POV

The past L'manburg had geared up with his items he lended them. They started making their way to Manburg.. 

"Hey guys, if we all say "Hummina" at the same time it would be really cool" Tommy exclaimed.

"Hummina, Hummina, Hummina, Hummina, Hummina, Hummina-"

"Alright I want my things back" Techno yelled, cutting off the "Hummina's". They all knew he was joking.


Hey guys, this is the end of Chapter 4! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm sorry if you found any part of this chapter cringe, or it made you uncomfortable in any way. Thank you for reading this, Have a Great Day/Night! <3

Word Count:1138

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