Chapter 4

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Plan's POV 👇

I came back on Techno's bake shop after delivering a cupcakes "Hello Techno, here's the payment of the costumer" I give him the payment while wearing my unique smile "You looks in a good mood, huh" Techno said "I'm always in a good mood" I said "ok, back to work now cause there's so many costumer today" Techno gradually pulled me to back from work.

Mean's POV 👇

I come out on my car and put my sunglasses fasten on my polo shirt, after a seconds of observing the place, I see a sign and read it [Techno's bake Shop] "Techno's bake shop? " "so.... Can's works in this Place" I enter on the cake shop and ask the man who's arranging cupcakes and he's name is Fetch, I ask him if there's a person named Can who's working here.

"oh, yes he's my friend too! What do you need from Can? I can call him now if you want "

"no, it's ok!  I'm just asking, I don't want to bother him also "

"Ok Sir, do you want to order some cupcakes sir? " ~Fetch

"No, I also need to go, Thank you and sorry for bothering you" ~Mean

"it's ok sir and welcome 😊 " ~Fetch

I gradually walks toward the exit door of the cake shop and I enter inside of my car and leave the place.

Author's POV 👇

After Tin leaves the Cake shop, Can approach Fetch and ask if his alright. Fetch reply "Yes I'm ok here" then we keep a second of silent then Fetch suddenly called my name "Can! I have to tell you something...." he said "Oh What is that about?" I ask "hmmm a moment ago there's a handsome man who enter in our bake shop, he looks so rich and he has a fair skin, he wear a sunglasses and ask about you it looks he's finding you" he said "huh who is that? What his name?" I ask

"I don't know who he is, he just asking about you or finding you I guess !" ~Fetch

"Do you ask why he's asking me? " ~Can

"He didn't said, I said I will call you but he stop me and he say that he don't want to bother you and he leave " ~Fetch

"I wonder who's that guy" ~Can

"I wonder too " ~Fetch

*Then suddenly Ae enter in Techno's bake shop*

"oh Ae, why are you here? " ~Can

"I'm bored I don't know where can I go, so I came here to kill the time by eating cupcakes" ~Ae

"ok just wait here for a minute we will have our break time later" ~Can

"ok I will wait here" *then Ae sit down on the table*

Can and Fetch enjoying their break time now while eating the cupcakes that Ae buys.

"Ae, take a bit taste of this cupcake . I and fetch made it for the new menu of Techno's bake shop" ~Can

It taste good and unique {Ae}

Really? {Can}

Yes, I'm not joking, this cupcake is much delicious than other cupcakes you made. {Ae}

Thanks Ae, so if you like that cupcake we will put that cupcakes on our menu next week. {Can}

Oii Can, Next time we can make more other dessert to add on our menu. {Fetch}

Yes, and someday many people will recognize our bake shop {Can}

Ae, are you ok with that cupcake? {Can}

Yes, i will buy this more cupcake next time. {Ae}

Hmmm Ae i have something to ask now..... I want to ask you if you want to work with us? {Can}

Huh? Me working with you? {Ae}

Yes, you can be waiter and help us on baking cupcakes, or...... you can be our treasurer if you want? {Can}

I like to work with you but I have my own dream Can, remember I want to be an actor someday but I always failed on auditioning but I'm still hoping that there's an opportunity coming to me to be an actor. {Ae}

So you're telling me right now that you want to be an actor someday? Huh? {Fetch}

Yes, to be an actor is my dream since I'm younger. {Ae}

Wait a minute, I will give you something, just wait here! (Fetch)

*Fetch leave for a second to get what he will give to Ae*

Ae, here's what I will give to you! {Fetch}

*fetch gave a one piece of a paper publish by T-M3D production Company, they will have an even next month, they will have an casting call for their project*

Are you familiar on T-M3D Production Company? {Fetch}

Yes, I'm familiar with it! {Ae}

T-M3D production company will held an casting call next month for their new project series! So if you want to be an actor, then this is an opportunity, just go to the place that written on that paper and audition on the said day! {Fetch}

Thank you Fetch, it's a good opportunity to me, I'm very thankful to this! {Ae}

There's a big chance that the T-M3D management will recognize your talent and you will be the next new actor of T-M3D rigth? {Fetch}

So Ae's Dream will Become true now! {Can}

Do your best Ae for the audition day! {Can}

It's almost 1 week before the casting call event happened, so you have time for practicing to show your talent!

Ae, on this paper there a cellphone number, you can call that cellphone number and ask them if there's a thing that you want to know. {Fetch}

Thanks for this fetch , I hope this is my chance to show my talent and to fulfill my dream to be an actor someday.

To be continue.........

Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for the late upload of this chapter, I'm just busy in my studying this past week/month.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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