I Feel The Same Way!

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Once our lives got back on track after BFB ended, a lot of things ended up happening. Woody, Taco, and I began to work on our show. It's been a lot of fun working with them. If you told me 12 years ago that this is where I would be now, I would probably call you crazy. But now, I couldn't be happier.

But once we all made the dicicion to move into the studio, I began to think a lot about the future. As Woody has been getting over his fears one by one, it's become clear to Taco and I that he's not gonna live with us for ever.

But as far as Taco goes, I've been slowly starting to want to be more then just friends with her. She's such an amazing person to be with, and as of now, I can't imagine my life without her. Sometimes I wonder if she feels the same way.

"Hey Blocky, what's up," she asked me.

"Nothing much," I said.

"Same here, wanna head out for a bit, Woody won't be home till later, he said he's with Balloony, Spongy, and Loser."

"Sure, let's take a walk around here."

We headed out to the studio and headed out for a small walk. The sky was a pretty shade of purple, and the temperature was just right. I thought this was a good time for Taco and I to plan a few things out for the show, but it ended up being more then that.

"Okay, so we have Gelatin guessing tommorow, then is it confirmed Purple Face is coming next week," I asked her.

"Yeah, he just said that next Tuesday works."

"That's cool." We continued to walk around in beautiful weather, until Taco asked me a question that made me think, a lot.


"What is it?"

"Do you know what you're gonna do after the show is over."

"What do you mean?"

"Like where you are going to live, what job you plan to have, anything really."

It was something I sometimes thought about, but the show is my primary focus right now, and I can't imagine giving that up. My plan is to move somewhere with just me and Taco. But then again, I doubt that it's ever gonna work out, she probably doesn't want to deal with me anymore.

"Hello, earths to Blocky." Taco was snapping her fingers at me, I most have fizzed off in my things.

"Oh sorry, my bad."

"So did you answer my question?"

"Well...yeah, but...its not important now."

"Come on, tell me, please, what is it. I can tell your hiding something?" That girl is so good. I'm not gonna lie, I think I blushed a little.

"Well...let's say me and you...lived together."

"We already do Blocky."

"Not like that...like...live, live together. Forever."

"Really Blocky." She gave me that look she gives me whenever I do something she doesn't like. "Did you really think I wouldnt like that idea."


""Uh, well, kinda..." I looked down and blushed a little. Than she lifted my face up, and gave me a little peck on the check. At this point the two of us were blushing like crazy.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean too-you know-we can still be friends-" I gave her a peach back. Her cute little face turned all pink.

"Hey, I think the two of us just made public what we've both known all this time," I said. That's when we both thought the same thing. We both put our arms around each other and went in for a deep kiss that lasted about a minute or two.

"Yay! Go Blocky and Taco!" Both of us were frightened by the sudden noise. We turned around and saw that it was Woody.

"Oh, h-hey Woody. Didn't know you were going to get back so soon," I said.

"Oh, love birds!" We both started to laugh.

"Yeah, I guess we are, aren't we," Taco said. Woody came up to us and gave us a hug.

"So happy for you!"

"Thanks dude, I appreciate it," I said. "Let's head inside!"

Taco and I continued to smile at each other, it was amazing to finally know that she felt the same way.

"So, I'm assuming it's a date," she said to me.

"I guess so!"
Whew, sorry for not uploading this for so long (or anything for that matter), but glad to start getting the ball rolling with this story! I hope to start uploading more frequently now, I'm really exited to show you all what's in store. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one!

- Sunny

Lights, Camera, Adventure! (A Blocky x Taco BFB Story)Where stories live. Discover now