Chapter 1

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                “What the…..?!” exclaimed Clyde, his hands nursing his foot that I just stomped on. I should thank the inventor of stilettos for these perfectly stylish weapons.

                “I didn’t like the way you touched me,” I shouted as I paced away creating a few yards between the two of us. If he wasn’t complaining about his foot, I was positive he could have been standing beside me right now.

                “Jesus! Skye, it was a slow dance. I was supposed to hold you,” he retorted angrily, still wincing in pain and was muttering curses.

                “You were groping me! It was different!” I blared. My voice sounded so furious, I could feel my face heating up.

                “I wasn’t!” he shouted back. Any minute the neighbors would be coming out or worse asked the police to come over and arrest us for misbehavior. It’s almost dawn!

                “Yes, you were, perv!” I couldn’t stop yelling back. Ok. Screw the neighbors.

                “I am not a maniac, of all people you should know that,” he said. He had stopped touching his swollen foot now and was looking at me intently. Even in a safe distance I could still feel his blazing stares. His grey eyes illuminated in the dark.

                “And now you’re mentally undressing me!” I said madly.

                Clyde stiffened. Oh! He did? No. He really did. That was supposed to be a lie. My cheeks blushed profusely. My rage had turned into complete embarrassment then it shoot back to heightened fury. My anger taking over the shyness I was feeling.

                “Get lost, perv!” I said at last, then running to the door not even bothering to glance at the stunned Clyde who was left on the pavement. Once I got in, I slammed the door so hard, it creaked. I rested my head on the door. I didn’t care if the neighbors were awakened by our loud fight, all I cared was to get rid of Clyde.


                Finally! Summer was over which meant I could go back to school now. I knew I was a sucker for school and learning. But could you blame me? It’s my senior year, I was supposed to enjoy it and once the year’s over, I could hopefully get into an Ivy League. Just thinking about it made me so excited, I even crossed my fingers.

                I pulled on my lucky jeans, lucky grey shirt, lucky sneakers and so many lucky bracelet charms it occupied half of my arms. But I didn’t care. First day got to be lucky. Everything about it so as not to spoil the entire year. My entire glorious year.

                I knew it wouldn’t but it didn’t mean that I shouldn’t be extra cautious. With Clyde out of the picture, I knew things were on the right track. Speaking of that maniac, I hadn’t heard of him all summer. After that dance we went into together when junior year ended. Well, I had better things to do anyway than to think of him.

                “Hey mom!” I greeted happily when I entered the kitchen. She was pouring milk on the glasses. My sister Rainbowe was also there sitting, her brows into a frown.

                “What year was it when Renaissance period began?” Rainbowe asked, not taking her eyes off the “Are You Smart Enough?” quiz on her IPAD.       

                “Around 1400,” answered mom without blinking an eye.

                “Gotcha. Thanks mom,” Rainbowe said turning back her gaze on the Ipad. Dad made that “Are You Smart Enough?” application exclusively for me, mom, Rainbowe and my brother Moone. Aside from the fact that I had extremely smart parents, I’d also have the weirdest. I didn’t know if it was just that my artist mother was too creative that she came up with our not-so-normal names. She and dad had a knack on adding ‘E’ on me and my siblings’ names that were taken from nature. Lovely.

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