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"Simon, we need to talk"

"Wilhelm no, I've said many times we don't"

"Simon, it's not about us it's about something else"

"What? What do you mean?" Simon turned his way around to Wilhelm. Wilhelm looked upset and scared he was annoyed how we had been treating him if he wanted to talk about something completely different.

"Simon? Wilhelm? What are you doing?" Eskild ask as he creeps from the corner. Wilhelm rushed out, a tear dripped onto Simons lap.

"Eskild I'm sorry I need to talk to him. He knows something he needs to tell me" Simon said very direct.

Wilhelm flew out of the room,he heard screaming from the other room and followed by footsteps leading up to him.

"Wilhelm you can tell me" "don't you trust me?" Simon asked.

"Not at the moment" Wilhelm looked up and realised what he said. "Shit"

"I understand."

Wilhelm looked up to Simon his caring smile,his curly hair and intriguing face wanted to just kiss him in front of everyone. He snapped bag info reality.

"I know who erm posted the video" Wilhelm hurriedly spoke.

"WHAT?" "Fuck, Who Wilhelm who? Tell me now" Simon demanded.


"August? AUGUST?" He got louder and louder.

Eskild ran up to him and asked who August was. He shut him down and left. Wilhelm and Eskild stared at each other very awkwardly.

"Guess you know by now?"

"Yes, of course I fucking know"

Wilhelm tapped him on the shoulder and shrugged his own. He wiped the last year rolling down his cheek and left to go for lunch.

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