Why him?

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Simon ran after Wilhelm wanting to explain everything. Why would he care he's with Astrid?. He caught up to Wilhelm and he noticed Wilhelm's hand at his chest with a slight tear in his eye.

"Why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me first?" Wilhelm shouted from the other side of the room as he looks up to see Simon.

"Wilhelm, what would you care? You're with Astrid and you didn't even tell me" Simon explained.

"Oh the shit fake relationship I was forced into?" Wilhelm says realising he messed up.

"Fake? What do you mean?" Simon said moving closer to Wilhelm.

"The queen is doing it to get media off our attention and it's working apparently" Wilhelm said looking down furiously.

Simon approached him he pushed Wilhelms hand away from his chest and gives him a hug he moves back and Wilhelm kisses him. Simon enjoys his company until he realised what he promised to do and he was actually cheating.

"Wilhelm no, you can't do this" Simon tells him firmly.


"I'm with Eskild, and no if we can't be public I can't go on I can't be a secret I've told you this before".
Simon backed away and grabbed his books of the table.

"Sorry, I can't do this anymore we need to get over each other" he left making eye contact with him.

Wilhelm sits down, head in hands trying to not have a panic attack in the middle of school. He missed Erik so much at the same time and he now has to try and play it cool that he didn't just barge the oddly familiar boy into the locker with his ex.
He couldn't figure out where he had seen him before. But he was sure he had.

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