When Cyra got onto the flight, leaving piles of monster dust in the airport, she could tell that she'd blended in well with the crowd.

At least the monsters couldn't reach me in the sky, right?


Just before landing, turbulence hit the plane like a bitch. Cyra had to physically pull the women next to her down onto her seat. Feeling as if someone were watching her, she turned to find a Venti staring directly at her. He was wearing the pilot's uniform and in his hand was a control wheel.

"You ripped out the control wheel?" Cyra yelled. Everyone around her freaked out. The plane was going off course, and their pilot had been a Venti. Not to mention, said pilot removed the thing that was flying the plane, so they were going to die.

The Venti aimed the control wheel and threw it at Cyra. She couldn't jump out of her seat as she was still strapped in, but the wheel got stuck in the oxygen masks dangling from below.

Cyra used a dagger to cut her way out of the seatbelt and grabbed a parachute from inside her bag. The Venti sent a large blast of wind in Cyra's direction, throwing her against the window.

When Cyra recovered, she hid beneath the seats, strapped on her cestus, and got up to fight. She threw her throwing stars at the Venti, managing to stab it with two of them.

The Venti howled in pain. While it was moaning like a little baby, Cyra ran forward at full speed, dodging the many oxygen masks, and lodged a dagger into the Venti's shoulder.

The plane started to bend forward, sending the Venti flying to the cockpit.

This gave Cyra some time to ensure a safe landing by putting on her parachute pack. She was even able to help a few whiny mortals.

Seeing as the flight attendants were too busy helping screaming and crying passengers, and screaming and crying themselves, Cyra decided that it would be okay to open the emergency exit.

Which she didn't have to do, because a strike of lighting split the plane into two. Stupid Venti.

Crya jumped away from the plane, trying to look for some land to land on. There was a small area of beach that she could reach, if only she could get rid of the Venti on her back.

She tried to stab the Venti but she groaned in pain when she accidentally dislocated her shoulder.

"SON OF A BITCH THAT HURTS!" She yelled. She barely managed to open her pack, a colorful parachute opened, but Cyra was still giving the Venti a piggyback ride.

The Venti decided that he didn't like his ride and tore the parachute.

"Hey! That was expensive!" The money was given to her by Camp Jupiter, but still.

They crash landed on the beach, Cyra groaning and moaning in the sand.

Cyra quickly got onto her bare feet (her shoes flew away) and extended her spear. With a sharp jab, the Venti vaporized.

Cyra groaned and brushed the sand off her body.

"Stand back!" A growl came from behind her.

She turned around to see a muscular girl with stringy, pale brown hair and an evil sneer aiming a sword at her. There were three other kids behind her, all armed, and all wearing bright orange shirts.

Cyra retaliated and got into a fighting stance, holding her spear under her armpit for strength.

"Who are you?" The girl barked. "How did you kill that Storm Spirit?"

CYRA | percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now