I heard the door open and looked behind me to see Alice come waltzing into the room. She quickly joined me at the desk. "Me too!"

I groaned too quietly for Mrs. Cope to hear, before ramping up the charm. Alice added her own dazzling charm and Mrs. Cope didn't stand a chance. We soon both had a schedule almost identical to Bella's.

Why are you doing this, Edward? I only saw that you were, not why.

"Bella," I breathed.

Bella Swan? The new girl?

I nodded briefly on our way out the door.


I knew she was watching me, but I only had eyes for the girl waiting in the hallway. She smiled at me, and I grinned back. I heard Alice gasp.

What on earth? You're lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Both our schedules match yours now, love," I assured my mate. "We'd better head to class."

Love? Alice thought in shock, turning to look at Bella.

"Alice!" Bella squealed, throwing her arms around my sister. The look on Alice's face at being greeted so enthusiastically by a human was priceless. "We're going to be best friends, even though you do force me to go shopping with you and torture me with makeover sessions!"

Alice froze for a second at the unexpected embrace, then returned the hug. She quickly checked the future and saw the truth of Bella's words. She squealed and squeezed her tighter.

"Can't…breathe…" Bella gasped.

"Oops! Sorry!" Alice apologized, immediately letting go and stepping back. Bella stumbled, but I was already prepared to catch her.

"That's okay," Bella laughed. "I have a feeling I'll soon get used to it."

She's your mate? Alice screamed in her head as we walked to class. I nodded happily.

Wow! Does she know about us? I nodded again.

You told her? I shook my head.

Then, how?

"I'll tell you later," I promised, speaking so softly only she could hear me.


We all handed our paperwork to the teacher. She eyed us curiously.

"Do you guys already know each other?"

"Bella is a friend of the family," I answered smoothly. Bella blushed and nodded at the same time Alice did. Mrs. Taylor arranged for the three of us to sit together to help Bella get settled. I thanked her and the students who moved to accommodate us.

When the bell rang, we hurried off to our next class, ignoring the other students in our haste to secure three seats together. Once we settled into our seats, some of the other students approached Bella. I didn't like their thoughts. I was sitting directly behind Bella, so I started playing with her hair, wanting all the children to know she was mine. Alice was sitting to Bella's left. She smirked when she saw what I was doing, knowing exactly why I was doing it. I was marking my territory.

"Hey, you must be Isabella Swan. I'm Jessica Stanley."

"Call me Bella, Jessica."

"So, um, I guess you already know the Cullens?"

Bella simply nodded.

"She's my best friend," Alice offered, knowing it would be all over school before the end of the day. "I'm so happy she was able to move here to be with us."

Changing The Future (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant