Chapter 23 - A soul returning to the winds

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"Bring the body to a safe corner! Say whatever last words you can!" Kunikuzushi said as you quickly gathered the familiar body.

You created a shield around both of you, trying your best to protect Venti from more further injuries.

"Venti! Venti!" You yelled as you shook the body. "Didn't you promise to stay at home!?"

"I'm willing to break that promise...than to have to wait...another chance that you may appear 2000+ years or more..." Venti said with a weak smile.

"Y/n, I'm begging you... please consume the orb and retrieve your memory..." Venti pleaded as he took the pill from his pocket.

He slowly raises it to your mouth. You willingly ate it and held his body tight, your right arm supporting his back. A flash of memories flashed across your eyes.

["Hehe...father won't notice if I slipped away," you giggled sneaking out of your house in the middle of the day.

The little girl ran into the nearby enchanted forest. It was filled with small elemental beings. You turned into a tiny flower spirit to blend in.

"Haha! One eye freak!"

"Stop! Please stop!"

You quickly flew to the sound of that loud treacherous scream.

"Someone with big elemental energy is coming! Quick run!"

"Hey come back here you punks!" You yelled at the little wind spirits.

You healed the little wind spirit that laid on a log, deeply hurt. You raised your little hands and healed its wounds.

"Thank you for saving me!" The little wind spirit thanked. "You're my saviour! Can I please follow you?"

"No! You will be my friend!" You declined and gave another suggestion.

"Really!? My name name... I don't have a name..."

"Then let me give you one!" You said with a smile. "Coat hanger! No that sounds really bad...what about cyclops? It fits your one eye thing!"

"Are you bullying me too?" Venti asked with a downcast eye.

"No! I think you look adorable with one eye! Those wind spirits were probably jealous of how cute you and adorable you look!" You replied with urgency in your voice as you did not want to make your new friend sad.

"I am Y/n! I'm a little flower spirit!" You introduced yourself with the biggest smile.

"Then would you visit me here every day?" Venti asked.

"Yeah! Um just asking, did you recently move here and decided to stay here?" You asked.

"No, I follow where the wind goes," Venti replied.

"Then you have to stay after you made friends with me! Or else I'm going to be lonely!" You whined.

"Ok! I will stay, just for you!" Venti nodded his little head.

"How old are you?" You asked.

"100 years old. You?"

"I'm also/ turning 100 years old!" You said with excitement.

"Cyclops, where do you sleep?" You asked out of curiosity.

"The trees? Logs?" He replied. "What about you?"

"Among the flowers! (Actually a normal home,)" You exclaimed. "The sky is turning dark! Oh no, I need to get back home. Let's meet here tomorrow! From now on, this is our usual meeting spot!"

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