Chapter 22 - Bloodshed

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"I'm here! I'm here!" Akemi yelled as she ran out to the entrance of the house like she was in a rush. "I slept in! Sorry!"

"It's fine. Let's hit the road," you brushed off the late attendance.

"Oh! Wait one more thing!" Akemi searched her bag in a messy manner.

She took out a plumeria flower from her bag.

"I didn't mind you sticking to my girlfriend. But, how dare you copy my parting gift!" Venti scoffed.

"We're already leaving. Please don't start another fight-"

"At least I got chosen to go with her. Unlike you, stay at home loser," Akemi stuck her tongue out and hid behind you afterwards.

"Y/n! Look she-! Argh!" Venti grumbled with frustration.

"Haha! You can't beat me when it comes to arguments! Haha! Loser!" Akemi sneered.

"Let's hit the road early," you placed a hand in front of Akemi's mouth. You turned around to Venti and said, "You must remember to not go anywhere and also remember to eat your three meals. Don't drink alcohol for the next six months-"

"He's not a child. Let's get going Y/n!" Akemi dragged you out from the greenhouse door.


It was pin-drop silent along the way down the path to the docks. Akemi strikes an interesting conversation that you never have imagined.

"I am the leader of the Y/n fan club! Or I was since I'm dead," Akemi yelled.

"Huh!? Why?" You asked.

"That day you saved my friend from bullying! You know you punch them in the face and kicked them in the stomach! That was so cool! And I told myself, I want to worship you!" Akemi clasped her hand and looked at you with gleaming eyes.

"But I don't think I deserve that praise. You know I can't just stand by and watch someone get insulted and kicked," You retorted.

"No, no, no! You don't understand! The bullies are rich people and because they have money they get to do whatever they want. But you're richer, more wealthy! You fight for us, that's the best part!" Akemi exaggerated her explanation like she was doing storytelling.

"Isn't it the bare minimum to save people from bullying?" You asked.

"Aiya! It doesn't matter! I just want to worship you!" Akemi replied, giving up on finding a reason.

"So...on my birthday...when I received those presents on my desk/ (delivered to my house)[for birthdays on non-school days]...was from the fan club?" You asked.

"Yeah! I did it with moderation of course! You're so cool! And also the best! You deserve everything in this world! You don't deserve the treatment of your father!" Akemi said with a big smile plastered on her face.

"That's creepy," you bluntly said. "How did you even get my address?"

"I'm sorry! We're sorry!" Akemi apologized.

By this time, both of you have arrived at the docks of your region. A ferryman yelled, "Last call, for the boat to Snezhnaya!"

You and Akemi looked at each other, giving a nod to each other. Both of you ran up to the ferryman, gave them money and boarded the ship. You were desperately finding a seat until you found a spot there was one left beside a man and one more two meters away from that empty seat. With no choice, you sat beside a man with pale skin, a purple bowl haircut with a tiny mullet. He had a big hat on the ground, very round and big with ornaments hanging on it too. After having seen so much you turned to a walking stewardess.

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