Other than that, m/n had some few conclusions as to why the unnamed man was sweating and half naked but he didn't wanna elaborate, it's better off unsaid.

He stopped when he saw a familiar name, "onigiri miya" he mumbled to himself, momentarily forgetting hid vivid imaginations of the two men.

He found a free space to park, once done, he got out of his vehicle and entered the place. To say that the place was bustling of people, was no exaggeration. M/n looked around until he found an unoccupied seat. Once he sat, he was immediately greeted with one of the employees.

"Good morning, welcome to onigiri miya! would you like to get started?" The employee asked, handing m/n a laminated menu. He thanked the worker as he scanned through various flavored onigiris.

Once he settled for his desires stuffing he told the worker. He pulled out his phone, debating whether to text iwaizumi with what just went down in his place or not.

"Hello there, stranger." A familiar cheerful yet nonchalant voice emerged from his side. M/n turned to his side to see hanamaki.

"Oh, makki, fancy seeing you here" M/n greeted with a smile. Makki did the same, but with more enthusiasm than m/n. "So, what's up? you seem troubled" He asked, moving his seat closer to m/n, which surprisingly he didn't mind.

"Nothing, just some bizarre thing happened to me earlier..." He let out an exasperated sigh, he can't believe he'd be seeking console on someone like makki. Not that he'd mind, but they were still not in that stage, atleast for m/n.

"Care to tell me? It's fine if not as well..." Makki told him, sensing m/n's struggle. Of course he cared for the boy, he wasn't going to let his friends suffer in silence.

"I was supposed to surprise my best friend today, but when i got there someone else opened the door for me, and get this, he's naked- well topless and sweating as hell." He explained to him, the blush on m/n's cheek did not go unnoticed under makki's gaze, despite his curiousity he kept his mouth shut and let him continue.

"We both stared at each other for a good while and uh, i chickened out...I think that's his boyfriend" He ended his story with his face on the table. His voice was muffled but, still understandable.

"M/n?" Another man called out to him, did the gods from above decided to spite m/n today? He let out a groan, putting his hand up, before lifting his head from the table.

"Yeah- osamu?!" M/n exclaimed in disbelief, despite the obvious restaurant name, the poor h/c-nette did not anticipate seeing the owner at this time of day.

He saw osamu in his fitted shirt and cap, beside him was a stoic male with black tips on the end of his hair. M/n wouldn't lie, they would pass of as cousins.

"Oh uh- m/n this is kita, kita this is m/n." Osamu immediately introduced m/n to the man beside him. He extended his hand to shake with the other, and he did the same as well.

His face remained stoic, which gave m/n a intimidating vibe.

"Hi, nice to meet you"


After the little introduction they had, the four looked at one another awkwardly. "So uh, what brings you here, m/n?" Osamu asked, a ridiculous question, but m/n didn't mind.

"Was gonna dine with my friend makki" He replied, sticking his thumb out and pointing to makki who was sitting beside him. "Oh i almost forgot, makki, this is osamu. The owner of the restaurant and osamu, this is makki, my friend" The two shook hands before going back to the kitchen where the magic happens.

"I didn't know you were friends with the owner" Makki commented, taking a bite out of his onigiri. M/n was munching on his as well. He gave him a smug smile before swallowing the rice. "There's so much things you don't know about me" He replied in a mysterious way. Makki slowly swallowed his, before asking.

"Are you a serial killer?" It made m/n laugh, but only a short one. Then, he looked him right in the eye and said "maybe i am" what m/n has anticipated was for makki to shift into a nervous state, but he did the opposite. "Oh yeah? well, i'm a tax evader, so that makes us both criminals" He replied, his chest puffed out. M/n covered his mouth as he laughed, he found it hilarious that makki would compare being a tax evader to a serial killer.

While they were busy having fun, m/n lost track of time, and his past thoughts. His phone was blowing with messages from iwaizumi.

"I'm glad you're having fun, hey how bout we go see that new movie? y'know the dr.jekyll and hyde or something?" Makki offered, pulling his phone out as they walk towards m/n's car.

"Yeah, sure, i'm free today so why not" M/n smiled, opening the passenger seat for makki. The pink haired male entered the vehicle as he placed two digital tickets for the movie


Sorry for disappearing, school's a bitch. But i'm finally free after this week so, expect more updates :).

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