DIY Binders (Dos and Do-nots!)

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So many people all over the internet speak of making homemade binders (via YouTube etc). It is even taught online. However, try to avoid making your own binders. Please try to purchase binders as they are specifically manufactured to provide the best results and least injury. I understand that many people are unable to buy their own binders, and so I'll put up a few guidelines in case one finds no other alternative:

1. Never use Ace Bandages to Bind

Ace bandages can cause serious issues such as tearing muscle, bruising of the ribs, misshaping the spine, and serious lung damage.

If done: If you for some reason bind with an Ace bandage, and begin to feel soreness in your back and your chest as well as difficulty breathing or a "chest cold" feeling, take it off immediately. If the pain and breathing difficulty persists for a while after you've taken it off, please see a doctor as soon as possible. 


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2. Never use Duct Tape to Bind

Duct Tape and other adhesives may seem like a tempting option if you don't have access to binders, but do not do this. Tapes are typically NON-breathable and can cause serious medical problems, including ripping and scarring skin.

If done: take a hot shower and slowly peel the bandages off your skin. You can try using lotion as well. If the tape does not remove easily then go to the emergency room.   


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3. Never use Trans Tape! It is some new product which is basically the same as KT tape and is very dangerous.

4. Tights Method (Not recommended by many blogs)

To find videos on how to make binders out of tights, go to YouTube and search for videos titled 'Making A Binder.wmv' or 'How To Turn Tights Into A Binder.' This is, however, is not be a permanent solution.

5. Camisole Method

This is also a temporary solution which one can use while waiting for a binder to arrive. This may not work for some. The camisole has to have a built in bra for this method.

 The camisole has to have a built in bra for this method

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NOTE: Homemade binders are only for temporary use

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NOTE: Homemade binders are only for temporary use. Please, please, please, for the sake of your health, avoid using these tips and purchase an actual binder. Also NEVER BIND WITH ACE BANDAGES OR DUCT TAPE.

6. Double Sports Bra Methods:

  • Wear one sports bra normally and the other one backward.

  • Put on one sports bra. Use another sports bra with a soft, elastic hem that's about an inch wide. Normally it would rest on the base of your ribs but move the hem up to flatten the widest part of your chest. Secure it with two safety pins on the sides; do not use for more than 6 hours. (Source: Transgender Teen Survival Guide; linked externally) 

Binding: Maxwell's GuideWhere stories live. Discover now