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There's a hand on my shoulder touching me gently, shaking me. I jump and look up at the person shaking me, Elijah stares back at me with a small smile.

"It's the second Monday of October Angel. ." He said as he backed away from me and instead going to my closet, looking through my clothes.

That, didn't explain much. .

"What?" I ask him sitting on the floor, getting up and off the floor after I had been drawing on papers for a while, totally lost into doing my own thing.

"It's the second Monday of October!" He repeats with little excitement, which seemed a bit much from him as he usually doesn't show much emotions.

"I, I do not understand. ." I try again, trying to make him understand.

"It's don't, remember? Do not is okay too, but people usually say don't. . Anyway, the second Monday of October is thanksgiving day, remember last week? When we told you what thanksgiving meant?"

I nod only to realize he couldn't see me with his back turned to me. "Yes. ."

"Sir doesn't want to scare you, but we have some people coming over for today to celebrate thanksgiving. ." Elijah says as he picks out a few items, turning to me.

"I-I-I'm. . ." I try to say I'm scared without stuttering but I couldn't even get the word out.

I didn't want to meet new people.

"It's okay Angel, they're nice people, if they weren't we wouldn't let them inside." Elijah says with a small smile coming over with clothes in his hands.

"Like mommy?" I ask looking up at him. The therapist I've visited a three times now said what my mom did was wrong, and tried to explain to me that what she did was abuse, saying that she shouldn't have done that. Of course I disagreed with her, but I didn't really push it with her either, scared of making her mad.

Elijah smiles sadly and nods motioning for me to take off my shirt. "Yes, like your mother. . There's about seven people coming, one of them is your age, he's Austin's brother."

"Brother?" I ask as Elijah helps put a dark green long-sleeve shirt on me.

"A brother is a sibling, a sibling is someone who might be older or younger than you are, and they were born from your parents. ." He tries his best to explain, it was slow but I understood what he meant a little bit.

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