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Sometimes, people wished for their lives to be long and pleasurable but for Mingi that wasn't the case. He yet again hit himself with his notebook as he sat in the studio at the crack of dawn, wondering if he'll even have to sleep today or if he should just do an all nighter. It was a long night of nothing, no matter how hard he tried, nothing came to his mind as inspiration, nothing could help him in the making of the love song he had been writing for the past month.

His ambition for the song had seemingly disappeared and he yet again was regretting his life choices. Not even the dog park helped him anymore as he was too distracted by talking to Yunho and petting Treasure whenever they would arrive, seemingly always having the same schedule. Mingi thought it was quite funny how he and Yunho would always meet at the dog park every time he went there.

Thinking of Yunho, he had gotten rather close to him ever since he had rescued his dog in some way. Even though Mingi explained how Treasure came to him, Yunho wouldn't stop thanking him for rescuing him and such and Mingi basically gave up on explaining and just accepted the warm gestures. He still wouldn't consider them friends though, although he wouldn't mind the label being put onto the both of them.

Mingi looked outside his window to see the sun shining bright, how nice. Since he could basically tell it was morning time he got up from his seat and headed out, debating whether he should take his notebook with him or not. He decided it was better anyway in case he somehow got any ideas for it. He wondered if he should visit the dog park today, he didn't quite know if it was worth going or not and in the meantime would just think about it as he walked home.

It wasn't a long ride home from the studio but it sure felt like forever to Mingi. He wondered if he should call up San or maybe Jongho just to see if their schedule were clear and maybe hang out with them instead of just being home and doing nothing. Maybe they could help him get some inspiration. He knew San knew what it was like being in love but he also knew he hated the subject about it and wouldn't want to talk about it, knowing his past with his ex, it probably wasn't a good idea to ask about it.

Dialing up San, he figured why not ask just in case there was a possibility that they had clear schedules. Hanging out with The Choi's was never something you wanted to miss, they always had their own way of bringing fun into everything they did and Mingi loved that about them.

"Hello?" San spoke through the phone

"Hey San, got time?"

"Of course I have time for my favorite person ever!- Ouch, that hurts!"

Mingi shook his head lightly, smiling to himself a bit. "I was wondering if you had time to hang out today or is the schedule too tight?" He asked

"Oh! No, I have nothing on my schedule so I'm all clear!" San happily said

"Cool, I'll be at your apartment in ten then?"

"Yeah see you- No Jongho don't even dare touch tha-"

He hung up after that, he directed his driver towards The Choi's apartment, knowing it was better than to walk the small bit it was. He was simply too lazy. Getting there he thanked the driver and stepped out, leaving a small tip behind of course, he wasn't heartless afterall. The tall apartment in front of him suddenly made him realize that he has never been to their new apartment and doesn't know their apartment number. He was quite stupid.

A small sound from his phone was heard as he looked down at it and saw a small message saying 'Apartment number 24' Which Mingi thanked San many times for, saving him the embarrassment of going through all the doors just to find him and Jongho's apartment. Mingi went up the stairs as he looked at the numbers carefully not wanting to accidentally miss the number he was searching for.

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