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The dog park was nice, it was refreshing to just sit there and watch all the dogs play around with it's owners. Mingi wished he could own one himself, but seeing as his life was pretty packed with different stuff, like world tours and fansigns and all that stuff, owning a dog probably wouldn't be the best idea. Heck he wouldn't have enough time for it everyday, that just how much his everyday schedule was filled.

Now it goes without saying but dogs really don't like to be ignored, dogs need quality time with their owners, training and if not more. Mingi simply had no time for all of that and he didn't want to put anyone else up for the job as he figured it was important the owner itself did it. Just to form a bond with the dog.

Mingi sighed as he sat down at a nearby tree, he made sure to bring a blanket with him as he knew he would eventually find somewhere to sit where people couldn't recognize him that much, sure he had a few encounters but they were short and sweet, but he wouldn't be surprised if there were secret press around taking pictures of him without his consent, just a normal day in his life.

Yet again he sat with his lyric book in his lap as he looked around, pen in his hand as he continuously clicked it. Any ounce of inspiration would be good for him as he still needed to write those damn lyrics to that love song he had promised to write himself for the album, the other songs were made by him too sure, but he wasn't the only one writing the lyrics for them, this was different as he promised his fans to write the whole song himself, plus produce it of course.

Sometimes he wondered why he made such promises, he had done it before and he succeeded but this time it was different, simply because Mingi had no experience with love, he had never been in love, had a crush or had a partner before. One thing his fanbase praised him for was when he wrote lyrics with more gender neutral pronouns or just no pronouns at all, making it easier for people to relate to his songs.

Back to the topic of never being in love, Mingi hated that fact about himself, how he had never felt anything towards anyone. All the people around him were slowly finding their partners but him, he was just left with an emotionless life where love simply wasn't a thing. That's at least what he thought. Suddenly out of nowhere, a dog came up to him and basically sat down beside him, curious eyes. It was a golden retriever, one of Mingi's favourite dog breeds.

Mingi patted it slowly, he looked around for a possible owner but saw no one who was focused on this particular dog. Mingi wondered what idiot didn't look after their dog, rolling his eyes, the dog stood up again and basically started a small licking attack on Mingi as Mingi tried to escape. Not long after the owner did show up.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" A man said as he pulled the dog off of him.

"It's ok" Mingi replied emotionless

"He normally never does this, only to the people he likes..." The owner continued as he had the dog sitting by his feet.

"That must mean he really likes me then" Mingi chuckled to himself as the owner did as well.

The owner seemed to be shocked as well as he got a good glimpse of who Mingi was. He didn't expect to meet a famous rapper this way. Although he didn't really care much, he wasn't the biggest fan of the latters music, in fact he had never heard it before, but that didn't mean he didn't know who he was.

"Anyways, I need to go now, and sorry again!" The stranger smiled sweetly as he started walking away.

Mingi smiled to himself as he saw the dog look back at him as he followed his owner again, cute. Getting back to writing his lyrics, for once Mingi actually had something to write, writing everything he had down he put it into lyric formats and found himself smiling as he did his job slowly.

A Producer's Heart | Yungi ✓Where stories live. Discover now