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"Yeah I know."


"Ok I get it"


"I'll get it ready, don't worry."


"I know I know, bye..."

Mingi sighed as he sat his phone on the table after the conversation with the company and his team. What was the problem exactly? You see, Mingi hasn't released a new album in over a year and his fans are basically starving of content at this point despite him being on radio shows and so on. He felt guilty but he knew why he hadn't released anything, he was at loss of inspiration, and has been for at least six months now.

The young rapper and producer's dream came to life not even five years ago to this day and he had been happy ever since, his debut was a good start, but saying he was successful since debut was a huge misunderstanding. But to this day he was what you would define as successful and famous. Not only famous in his home country but famous worldwide and had millions of fans across the globe.

And although he had always been influenced by his fans or by his own experiences throughout his life, which was how he normally wrote his lyrics and so on. But recently he had promised his fans a love song featured on his new love inspired album. Mingi had just one problem, he had never been in love before, relationships never crossed his mind in his twenty two years of living.

Mingi kind of hated himself for promising his fans a love inspired album and stuff as they knew he only wrote from experience. But nonetheless he could always fake his experience or just explain he got inspired by love instead of writing from actual experience this time. But no matter how many nights Mingi used on trying to write lyrics he just constantly threw away the paper and tried again and again.

A knock was heard from his door that was currently locked because he loved having privacy in his studio. He sighed, put all the scraps in the bin and put away his lyric book and opened the door.

"Mingi! How are you doing?" Hongjoong greeted the taller producer as he walked inside the studio without asking first.

"I'm good" He lied, but he didn't bother at the moment as he knew what Hongjoong had to say about his promise to his fans.

"Don't lie to me, I've known you since we were little, you definitely have nothing on those papers do you?" Hongjoong spoke as he patted the youngers back.

"Hyung, you were right, I was dumb for making that damn promise..." Mingi didn't want to admit it but he did. Hongjoong smiled sadly at him as he

Both of them started a normal conversation not long after as Hongjoong didn't visit often as he was busy with his own producing stuff and making albums as well, never taking a break that is, just old Hongjoong fashion. Mingi kind of hoped he'd never turn out like this, he couldn't imagine not being social in his career, not that Hongjoong wasn't, he just wasn't as much as others were.

Like Mingi himself, sure he had his complications that were different from other artists he was still very very social in his career, and his fans loved that part about him. The past year he had basically taken a mental break from his career, luckily his fans were understanding. Although he still appeared on some radio shows and so on, just to keep up with everything of course.

The conversation went on for quite a while as both of the producers found comfort in each other's company. It wasn't often the two talked and when they did, they took their time with it, knowing both of them definitely needed someone to rely on, although it was mostly Mingi relying on his hyung, Hongjoong.

A Producer's Heart | Yungi ✓Where stories live. Discover now