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A/n-Skipped episode 7.

"Okay Bran, do you think we should go on to the chorus, or do we need to do the last line once more?" I asked him on face time since we sometimes practice over the phone if we're too lazy to go to one another house

"No, I think we can move on," Brandon said nodding and readjusting

"Sounds good."I said also readjusting

We practice a few more lines when I heard a knock on Brandon's door

"Give me one second."Brandon told me and I nodded he then told whoever it was to come in "Sorry was I playing too loud? Adri and I  are practicing a piece for fun"

"No, it's okay I just wanted to see you."Said who I believe was Callie because they were out of frame.

"Oh, well we won't be much longer if you want to hang out and listen."Brandon told whoever was there

"Yeah, I'll just sit on your bed," they said and I heard shuffling in the background so I assumed they sat down

"Okay, Adri can we take it from the top?" Brandon asked me

"Yeah, whenever you're ready, "I told him

We started again and did a full ran through which took at most 3 minutes.

"That was our best one yet."I told him with a chuckle

"It was, you were amazing as all ways."Brandon said

"So where you, I couldn't have done it without you."I said with a smile

"Well, you know I'm down for a jam sesh either it be in person or via phone."He said which caused me to laugh

"Same, I have to go with Lorenzo to help pick out a new guitar since his broke, oh and remind Jesus that I'm picking him up in 5, but till next time, "I told him

"Till next time and will do," Brandon said

I then hung up and texted Jesus to remind him as well since he was coming along


After what felt like forever Lorenzo finally picked out a guitar and Me and Jesus just watched tv in my room before we had to go to his house for dinner.

"Can you believe that Lexi threatened to call immigration on her and her parents?" Jesus randomly asked me.

"No, not really but I feel really bad for her parents."I told him

"I know same." Jesus said 

We also talked about how I saw the guy Callies dating tackle some random dude who bugging her and they ended up breaking up.

Jesus left after that to eat and promised to text me later. He did text me that Anna was still trying to get money from Mariana.


"Morning Familia" I said as I walked into the Adam-Foster's house the next morning

"Morning sunflower." Lena greeted me 

"Morning Mama L. So who's coming with me and Lorenzo today?"I asked as I kissed Jesus' cheek

"Me." Jesus, Mariana, and Jude said.

"Cool, well let's go, oh and Bran I heard your piano teacher is the worst so I asked and my piano teacher as an open spot in his program if you would like it." I said grabbing my teacher's card out of my backpack.

"No way you mean Lucas Ryder, 7 time Grammy winner and has produced like half the people at NYDA? That's your music teacher?"Brandon asked me in shock.

"Yep he was also Lorenzo's but Lorenzo decided to play the guitar instead, but yeah he's super nice and you learn a lot. Oh and don't worry about payment the spot open is part of his scholarship program. "I said grabbing my thing 

"Thank you."Brandon said tackling me in a hug.

"No prob." I said before turning to leave "Bye guys."


School went by really fast and the next thing I know Jesus is in my room pacing back and forth mumbling something in Spanish that I didn't quite catch

"Mi Rey."I said trying to get his attention "Love.  Love. Jesus!"I shouted after he didn't stop 

"What?" Jesus said turning to face me

"What's wrong?  You've been pacing for the past 5 minutes without saying anything." I said gently.

"It's just Mariana, so we went and talked to Anna and she told us she wants to get better but has this scary boyfriend that won't let her, I really want to help her but Mariana doesn't want to help nor does she believe her and I have no idea what to do but I found a women's shelter that's in San Fransico online before coming over here but Mariana's not having it." Jesus said sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Well love first just take a breath and secondly it doesn't matter what Mariana thinks you should go with your gut and do what you feel is right, but if Anna really does have a scary boyfriend I would tell one of your moms before you do anything because if not things could end really badly." I told him putting my hand on his.

"Thank you love."Jesus said before giving me a kiss

"No problem, how about we watch a movie?"I asked him and he nodded his head before I got up and put a random movie on.

Jesus ended up falling asleep so I texted Lena asking if it was okay for him to spend the night as well as asking my parents to which they both said yes but he had to sleep with Lorenzo but because I didn't want to wake him up me and Lorenzo ended up switching rooms for the night.


The next day I found myself outside a rundown house with Jesus

"Okay, I'll be right back I'm just gonna run and get her."Jesus said before getting out of the car 

After a minute Jesus came back to the car after what seemed like a heated argument

"What happened?" I asked him

"I got a message from Anna she's at the shelter and also she wasn't lying about her boyfriend."Jesus said 

"Okay let's go and don't forget to text your mom where we are."I said before driving to meet Anna

Once we pulled up to the shelter we saw Anna waiting so I told Jesus that I'd wait inside the car. I was in my own little world when Jesus came back.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jesus asked 

"Nothing much, is everything good?" I asked him

"Yeah, I think she went in so we should be good"Jesus said 

Before I could respond his phone started ringing and it turned out to be Mariana

"I'm at the movies with Adriana."Jesus said and after a second he sighed." We're downtown at state and third, why what's wrong?" He asked and my heart sank.


A/N- Sorry it took so long to post but I hope you enjoy it.

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