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I was at a dress shop with Mariana, Lexi, and Lena helping Mariana pick out her Quinceanera dress

"¿Cómo le queda? The semtress asked Mariana

"Más apretada." Mariana replied

"Whoa, leave yourself some room to breathe, sweetheart," Lena told her

"Come on, I don't need to breathe," Mariana told her with a smile

"Yes, you do." Lena and I said at the same time with a laugh

"Do you think the top is too..." Mariana asked us

"Busty." Lena said at the same time me and Lexi said"Boring" which caused us to high five

"Right?"Mariana said agreeing with me and Lexi

"You should jewel it" Lexi suggested which I had to agree that was a good idea

"Ah, si." The seamstress said

"Uh, does that cost more?" Lena asked

"Un poco. " The seamstress replied

"Un poco. " Lena repeated

"Por favor, mama?" Marina begged with a little dance and me and Lexi had prayer hands

"Gosh, ok," Lena said giving in causing us to cheer

"¿La corbata de tu papá va a combinar con tu vestido para el baile padre-hija?" The seamstress asked

"Como?" Mariana asked confused

"She's asking if your father's tie is going to match with your dress for the father-daughter dance," I told her

"ella no tiene papá tiene dos mamás" Lexi told the seamstress

"Ah, que bueno. Uh, so you can dance with a padrino or... a close friend de la Familia." The seamstress hesitantly told us

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